Ready to start a new hobby in chemistry.

I'm tired of OTC PH that are too weak to help me. There's a great physical demand that comes with the job I do for the military and I'm afraid when the shit hits the fan I'll be unable to physicaly do what my job requires in battle. If I needed to recover and carry a soldier as big as me or move quickly over terrain, we would both die. At 43 yo I'm having trouble being motivated to go to the gym knowing that It'll hurt like hell to just maintain barely acceptable PT scores.

Opening question:
Can I buy a legal substance which I can then breakdown chemicaly in a home lab into something that actualy works as an anabolic?

If my unit gets deployed and I'm not physicly fit, I will be left behind. I would rather face a few side-effects than having my body fall apart from lack of anabolic potential (old age). :rolleyes:
the only legal thing you can get as of this moment I would think is M1T (methyl 1 test), its a PH but from what people have said it works. Thing is 90 days from oct it becomes illegal along with alot of other phs
I have seen some info on converting 1T to various hormones but its not something the average person can do at home.

As for training, the more you train the more you adjust to it. The longer you put it off, the worse it will be when you finally start up. When I come off an extended layoff I take 6 weeks to work up to a full routine, its not something you jump into, and I'm not yet 30.