recommend first cycle

Nandi on Blocking Progesterone:

Progestins & Gyno
Before you decide that blocking progesterone is the solution to gyno, consider a few things. There is not one case of progesterone induced gyno in the medical literature EXCEPT in those cases where strong synthetic progestins, like medroxyprogesterone, were administered. In these cases the gyno is due to suppression of LH and testosterone by the progestin, NOT by a direct effect on breast tissue. On a cycle your LH is already suppressed by the Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) anyway.

Breasts have two components: alveoli and ducts. The alveoli are what secrete milk; they drain into ducts. Gynecomastia is the result of ductal hyperplasia, not alveolar hyperplasia. Estrogen stimulates the ductal tissue, while progesterone stimulates the alveoli. Alveolar hyperplasia does not contribute to gyno. If you want to read more on breast development, I suggest visiting this site:

In various tissues throughout the body, including cultured neoplastic breast tissue, progestins downregulate the estrogen receptor (1). Progesterone receptor blockers like RU-486 upregulate the estrogen receptor (1). This is consistent with the fact that RU-486 CAUSES gyno in patients in whom it is used to treat Cushing's disease and meningiomas (2).

Progestins are also anti-estrogenic in that they induce the enzyme 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase, which catalyzes the oxidation of estradiol to the less potent estrone. Progestins also induce estrogen sulfotransferase, the enzyme which catalyzes the sulfation and inactivation of estrogens.

So do progestins contribute to gyno, and if yes, how so? If you visit the link above you will see that progestins increase IGF-1 levels. As that article indicated, IGF-1 is essential to the the development of mammary tissue. This is also how it is believed that progestins in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) or oral contraceptives contribute to breast cancer: by increasing IGF-1 levels. But as bodybuilders we are always trying to maximize IGF-1. Hence the futility of trying to lower IGF-1 by blocking progestins. The other anabolics we use will elevate (hopefully) IGF-1, while blocking the progesterone receptor will only increase the levels and activity of estrogen by the mechanisms outlined above.

Two drugs have shown the greatest efficacy in treating gyno: Nolvadex, and Raloxifene, another SERM. Nolvadex has the longest track record, but a recent trial with Raloxifene showed it to be superior to Nolvadex. With these drugs you attack the problem at its source: the estrogen receptor. You get the added benefit of lowering IGF-1. Not a good thing for making gains, but important for treating gyno.

(1) Int J Biol Markers 1995 Jan-Mar;10(1):47-54
Progesterone agonists and antagonists induce down- and up-regulation of estrogen receptors and estrogen inducible genes in human breast cancer cell lines.

(2) J Neurosurg 1991 Jun;74(6):861-6
Treatment of unresectable meningiomas with the antiprogesterone agent mifepristone.
Grunberg SM, Weiss MH, Spitz IM, Ahmadi J, Sadun A, Russell CA, Lucci L, Stevenson LL.
Department of Neurosurgery, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles.
Andy plots a graph on CEM, which i cant copy, well, i dont know how to, but heres one of his posts on CEM about sust:

The model of sustanon compared to esters of various other half lives shows that sustanon is much, much, more like a single ester testosterone than you might think. I too believed that blood levels would be more difficult to control, compared to TE for instance.. until I plotted this..

I think there is A LOT of misconception about sustanon. There is an infamous thread that has been claimed by more different authors than I can count. I'm not talking about paraphrasing either. This gets cut-n-pasted, word for fucking word, and the sad part is that is it ridiculously erroneous and misleading. It's pretty much entirely shyte except for the few instances where universal, 'impossible-to-fuck-up no-matter-what' type of 'good' information such as "inject more frequently" is given.. But even then, it is buried in so much illogical garbage that the principles are skewed. I hate this post.

This is a huge reason why many BBers do not understand the concept of the ester. I'm not talking about knowing "longer ester= longer half life, shorter ester= faster acting. Knowledge of (only) this trivial information is dangerous. I remember when I first learned about esters and had only this understanding.. I thought I knew everything there was to know. It turns out that this isn't even the half of it.

Back to my rant about this infamous sustanon post, the author clearly does not understand how esters work. The common misconception that I (and probably many others) had once is that in sustanon, the prop releases first, and then the phenyl prop, followed by the longer esters (but later). After all, the longer esters don't kick in until week 3 or so, right? Nothing say's "I have no fucking clue about esters" quite like the latter statement..

This fundamental lack of understanding is something I feel is important, and I have made it my life-long goal to take the time and try and explain this (100's of times) to those who have been misinformed. A good many of them don't give a shit. They want the bottom line, after all, who gives a shit about esters during their 10-month winter hiatus from the gym? I can certainly appreciate that... Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) mentoring isn't for everyone and everyone shouldn't do it.. The problem is that it is usually these dudes (who care only to know where to stick the pin) that are the first one's to regurgitate the shit they heard yesterday, thus doing their part to perpetuate the cycle of ignorance…

Next time, I’ll tell you how I really feel about the idiots in this sport who litter the boards with filth and plagiarized garbage..

Assuming you've already been working out regularly for quite a while, I'd stick to something simple like 400-500mgs/week of test for 8-10 weeks.
RoadHouse, good post.

You don't have to inject sustanon EOD, no such thing as "wasting the prop" ....
Those post arent my personal opinions. I was just mearly postly them in hopes for an imformatice thread. worked!

I dont like 4 ester blends for a few reasons. 1, there is less raw test in a mg. 2, being that the test stays active longer, will result in a stronger suppression of the HPTA.

I dont like deca because it is extrememly hard on the HPTA. So is fina, and anadrol. I try to stay away from them. Yes, I am on fina now, but only to try it for the first time.

Nandi is the man and he know his shit!

I am only 1 guy with personal opinions!
I gained 30lbs off my first cycle and stayed same BF, kind of weird but I did. Sus @ 500mg/wk. Good luck, remember it's what you put into your cycle then what you put into your body.
Those post arent my personal opinions. I was just mearly postly them in hopes for an imformatice thread. worked!

I dont like 4 ester blends for a few reasons. 1, there is less raw test in a mg. 2, being that the test stays active longer, will result in a stronger suppression of the HPTA.

I dont like deca because it is extrememly hard on the HPTA. So is fina, and anadrol. I try to stay away from them. Yes, I am on fina now, but only to try it for the first time.

Nandi is the man and he know his shit!

I am only 1 guy with personal opinions!
Wasnt a personal bash, i just usually repeat what nandi says:afro: