Recomp decision aid wanted


New member
Ladies and gents I would like to ask the opinions of yourselves one goal is to do a complete recomposition of my body and I wish to gain muscle and lose fat by doing this. I have two choices in mind I've asked previously on other posts. First is tren and test at hundred and 50 mg every other day or I should go on Test masteron and tren at hundred milligrams every other day this is the main information is of yourselves I do wanna trust this site a lot so therefore I'm asking your opinions and final decisions will be made and I shall do a log for yourselves. When I go on in September.

Ai, hcg and pct al ready just unsure on this part.
composition is determined by diet, not type of compounds. different compounds will aid in certain goals IF diet is on point. You don't seem to have any cycle experience (i could be wrong) but if that's the case i'd recommend a simple test cycle. mast tends to work better when already at a low BF and tren is just too harsh for a beginner. Anavar is known to have favorable effects on recomping, but its expensive. all of these with a test base of course
Agreed. It s not the drug s , it s the food and the arobic burn preferably a combo of the 2 that will achieve this goal in a safe way. As stated a simple test cycle provided your not to fat ( no offense) as test will only complicate this. Why run the risks and take on the expense of a cocktail of aas and ancilliaries when controlling your intake of food and moving will achieve the same goal ? Slow down, educate yourself or tell us why u r in such a hurry to jump on the tren train ?
if you havent used aas yet, then stick to a simple test, AI , PCT cycle.
you can cut on any compound. some make you hold more water or are more estrogenic, but i know people that like to cut on drol... its more about diet.
I understand why you would believe I don't. Otherwise stats and experience would have been stated, would have helped everyone out a lot. I've read a fair share on recomp and it's the same goals in which I am seeking.

I like tren from previous experience although if I could change how it had happened I would. Could have had a lot more from previous cycles. however,my young age, arrogance and being purely naive originally left me just using impulse. So that could explain tren, the feeling was phenomenal.

I will add due to my brain I don't always explain things very well. I tend to go off on tangents. I write things again and again Teutonic has answered many questions but I can't help but want to know everything.

From what I've read a diet ratio of 50-30-20 would suit me well. I eat healthily anyways my freezer and fridge are a bit small and my butcher is quality.
its 80% diet.. compounds are going to do nothing for you if your diet is not in place correctly.. get in the diet section and post up