Retarded Diet info, Jon Fitch


I am banned!
You would think at their level these guys get better diet info. I just watched a little UFC video called TheSHOOT! Inside nutrition with Jon Fitch.

He says our ancestors ate meat, "maybe once a month or week, our bodies aren't designed to eat that stuff." Also, "Milk and dairy are poison, the worst thing you could put in your body. It ups the acid in your body and destroys your bones." Finally, "vegetable protein is the best. I don't push my ideas on people. I mean, if I see somebody eating a burger I'm not gonna slap it out of their hands."

Dairy destroys your bones is the best part. Why Jon Fitch anyway? I didn't think anybody wanted advice from a soft and small 150lb guy.

Here's the link:;_ylt=AvId62poABvMoCXT8y2YgWg9Eo14
I guess the Diet Forum is cool. I put it in MMA to comment on their overall use of trainers and diet. Here in Fort Lauderdale we have American Top Team and the few fighters I've met also treat diet as an afterthought.
You would think at their level these guys get better diet info. I just watched a little UFC video called TheSHOOT! Inside nutrition with Jon Fitch.

He says our ancestors ate meat, "maybe once a month or week, our bodies aren't designed to eat that stuff." Also, "Milk and dairy are poison, the worst thing you could put in your body. It ups the acid in your body and destroys your bones." Finally, "vegetable protein is the best. I don't push my ideas on people. I mean, if I see somebody eating a burger I'm not gonna slap it out of their hands."

Dairy destroys your bones is the best part. Why Jon Fitch anyway? I didn't think anybody wanted advice from a soft and small 150lb guy.

I dont follow MMA much but I hope this guy is a stud fighter because he sounds completely retarted. I eat meat every damn day. I try to eat at least a little red meat every day as well and i feel (and look) pretty damn good.
Romanticism of the past is one of my pet peeves. I know people like to think about the past as being simple, honest and pure, but it is BS. And to get diet advice from the past is even worse. People had zero idea what was good for them, and oftentimes were limited to what would grow in their immediate area.

Still, good for him if it is working. Hell, I was a vegetarian for a long suited my goals, but athletics wasn't one of them.
I don't agree with all that, but in general our ancestors were much healthier. Obesity was almost unheard of. Food was much different back then. It wasn't all over-processed with artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives. Just meat, potatoes, and vegtables. Some countries are still that way today. America is the only country where it's normal and okay to be overweight.
I agree, meat is nothing like it used to be, full of hormones , antibiotics etc. Same goes with poultry and fish. The mercury level in fish now a days is scary. This is why I try to buy organic, grain fed meats and wild sockeye.
I don't agree with all that, but in general our ancestors were much healthier. Obesity was almost unheard of. Food was much different back then. It wasn't all over-processed with artificial flavors, sweeteners and preservatives. Just meat, potatoes, and vegtables. Some countries are still that way today. America is the only country where it's normal and okay to be overweight.

I was not thinking of normal people when I wrote my post. I will admit I didn't even think of all the points you raised in your post; I was reacting to an athlete giving advice to other athletes. I feel kinda stupid, but at least you know where I was coming from now.

I agree the average person is probably worse off now then in the past.
John also stated he hydrates/fights "heavier" post weigh-in w this type of diet Vs's a bb diet.

I cant afford the shit he was discusing in this interview... Mostly specialty health food store items.

I went to a "Whole foods" store while on vacation one time... That store is sick!! Its like shopping at a 4star restraunt
You would think at their level these guys get better diet info. I just watched a little UFC video called TheSHOOT! Inside nutrition with Jon Fitch.

He says our ancestors ate meat, "maybe once a month or week, our bodies aren't designed to eat that stuff." Also, "Milk and dairy are poison, the worst thing you could put in your body. It ups the acid in your body and destroys your bones." Finally, "vegetable protein is the best. I don't push my ideas on people. I mean, if I see somebody eating a burger I'm not gonna slap it out of their hands."

Dairy destroys your bones is the best part. Why Jon Fitch anyway? I didn't think anybody wanted advice from a soft and small 150lb guy.

Here's the link:;_ylt=AvId62poABvMoCXT8y2YgWg9Eo14

Unless you’re eating organic meat raised on a species appropriate diet then you would be best to avoid the stuff. The majority of meat you find at your local supermarket comes from animals raised on factory farms. Animals raised on factory farms are packed full of hormones and antibiotics to make them grow faster and keep them alive (disease is prevalent on factory farms as most animals spend their lives living in their own filth in tiny enclosures). Diseased and drugged up animals = diseased and drugged up meat. Milk and dairy products are terrible for your body unless they are raw and organic. Pasteurisation strips milk of the majority of its beneficial nutrients. Check out Dr Mecola’s website. While his constant promotion of his products is annoying his site does have some very good nutritional information.

Jon Fitch is 2nd ranked 170IB mixed martial artist in the world right now, I would much rather listen to his advice on diet than a guy that... umm what have you accomplished again?
Your a fool a 170 pound idiot who deliberately sets out to engage in have someone beat his brains out of him should never be taken seriously about anything.

Just what sort of intelligence do you think is involved?
Your a fool a 170 pound idiot who deliberately sets out to engage in have someone beat his brains out of him should never be taken seriously about anything.

Just what sort of intelligence do you think is involved?

You’re a fool, You’re as in you are. I think you should work on your punctuation before you start attempting to insult others about their level of intelligence. You shouldn’t comment on something you know nothing about, if you bothered to learn about MMA you would realise that the majority of competitors are highly intelligent. Fitch for example has a Bachelor's in Physical Education and a minor in History. What qualifications do you have may I ask?
You’re a fool, You’re as in you are. I think you should work on your punctuation before you start attempting to insult others about their level of intelligence. You shouldn’t comment on something you know nothing about, if you bothered to learn about MMA you would realise that the majority of competitors are highly intelligent. Fitch for example has a Bachelor's in Physical Education and a minor in History. What qualifications do you have may I ask?

wow.. second post and ur already trying to bash on the admin huh?? smart guy..

what'd u think?? u think u walked into a forum with a bunch of stupid meat heads???

btw.. if you look around u'll see that most of us have a b.a. or b.s. or two...

be a little nicer ok?? for your own good...

welcome to ology..
You would think at their level these guys get better diet info. I just watched a little UFC video called TheSHOOT! Inside nutrition with Jon Fitch.

He says our ancestors ate meat, "maybe once a month or week, our bodies aren't designed to eat that stuff." Also, "Milk and dairy are poison, the worst thing you could put in your body. It ups the acid in your body and destroys your bones." Finally, "vegetable protein is the best. I don't push my ideas on people. I mean, if I see somebody eating a burger I'm not gonna slap it out of their hands."

Dairy destroys your bones is the best part. Why Jon Fitch anyway? I didn't think anybody wanted advice from a soft and small 150lb guy.

Here's the link:;_ylt=AvId62poABvMoCXT8y2YgWg9Eo14

seems like he has a vegetarian ideology.. which is ok i guess...

i dont agree with it myself... and he's totally wrong in saying that meat wasn't a good portion of our ancestors diets..

they hunted.. they didn't hunt apple.. they hunted animals..