I've ran it before and liked it. The highest dose I've ran it at was 6iu a day I believe (I'm guessing can't remember). Think I was doing 3 in the am and 3 more in the pm. Mine wasn't cheap, but then again we might have different definitions of "cheap."
I had some links to some good reading info on testing methods and various test to use to identify different things but for the life of me I can't find the links. But best bet no matter what anyone says is to run bloods. I can tell you how great mine was but your batch isn't my batch. You can experience some of the side effects of HGH from other sources, so in the end it's wise to test a vial.
Right I know its Chinese so very true my batch could be amazing or blow. 200 for 100iu. Not too bad but its coming pretty much right from the source and this guys never screwd me before. Guess I got lucky. I will only be running 2iu a day until my wallet grows as well.
But good to hear a good review on it. I will for sure have to get my blood work done. I will post results of it after its done. Im running it with test/tren/4 w/adrol so we'll see. Thanks for the input brotha kaname
Ive just come across a chinese source, where they are charging $60 usd, bluetops, plus shipping for 100iu.
I find this unbelievable, but my Bro swears it good!
Im really skeptical...does this stuff make it through customs is it legit?
I have got all sorts of shit through customs before. Taiwan and China. But for 60 bucks I would be skeptical. I've heard stories of people getting other shit besides hgh in their kit filled with peptides or something so you do see something, but not hgh. But.. for 60 bucks it might be worth a shot. You wouldn't be out much if it was bunk
And if so you are a lucky man
theres only 2 people i trust that sell riptropins and grey tops at the moment. they are both good. one takes longer then the other to ship. rips are good. dark blue tops with double helix on the tops.plus u should be able to check them on the site.
Yeah man I have gotten my blood work done before I darted and all was normal. I am a week in now ill probably wait another 2 weeks then get my blood work done again. I will post updates soon. Ive heard some good stuff about PSL on here. I would love to give it a try
So guys Im pretty sure these rips I got are fake. All my blood work was normal like I wasn't taking anything. Bullshit. Same blue tops with the double helix on it. Fake as can be. Good waste of 400 bucks. However I do feel like I got quite a bit of fat loss in my midsection. Ive always had abs but those bottom 2 have always had a little fat, but its pretty tight now. So it COULD have something to do with the fake hgh. Ive heard of peptides being in the viles instead so I'm not to sure. My advice stay away from rips
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