Roid rage- TRUE story- must read!!!

This is like those "Dr. Swole" stories posted around the net:
Dr. Swole said:
After our grueling leg day (night), I headed down to the local Outback with my training partner, Lex. A few steaks, mounds of potatoes, cold beer, and laughs were on the agenda for the evening. Getting pussy was not, but when you are THE alpha male, it's always a possibility.

So after the meal, and taking a huge dump in the men's room, we are paying the bill when Lex motions over to the bar. Couldn't believe what I saw. Four hotties laughing it up with a couple of college frat boys. I took off my aviators to get a better look at the guys.

Me: <squinting> Yep, just as I suspected, looks to be 13, maybe 14 inch biceps?
Lex: You thinking what I'm thinking?
Me: <grinning> Lets do it.

Me and Lex do the lat flare walk over to the bar area, sleeves rolled up on our 18 and 17.5 inch pythons, taking a seat nearby the aforementioned crew. I took out of my pocket my "trick money"; $100 dollar bills on each end, with about 25 singles in the middle. One of the girls saw this and flocked (If muscles are #1 on women's wish list, money is number 2 on their sleazy gold digging agenda).

Girl1: Hey baby! You gonna buy me a drink?
Me: <pulling down my aviators a bit> F**k would I do that? Do I look like your boyfriend or something?
Girl1: What's your problem? Figured your cheap ass could spare a drink with all that cash you're carrying.
Me: <condescendingly> Well apparently that's not the case, Shirley Temple. (She was wearing a Temple University sweatshirt) Run along to your skinny frat friends. You aint getting none of this (I flash the wad of cash) and you aint getting none of this (flashes 18 inch python)

<She runs back to her friends. Lex knows what's going on and gives me a wink. Not two minutes later, the whole group returns.>

Frat Boy: I'll be buying all you ladies a drink tonight, cuz I'm a nice guy.
Me: <takes a shot of tequila> More like an AFC if you ask me, chump.
Girls: What's an AFC?
Me: You wanna know what an AFC is? Follow me girls. <Me and Lex walk out the door, not looking back but knowing they will follow>

We take them across the street to an internet cafe. I try to log onto but its not working (apparently you have to PAY to use the internet at these cafes? I usually wouldnt be caught dead at one of those places. The depressed emo loser thing doesnt get you hot pussy)

Me: Give me $5 so I can use this piece of s**t
Girl3: You have $2500 in your pocket, why cant you pay for it?
Me: I'm out of here. I cant deal with--
<All of a sudden girl 4 takes a 5 dollar bill out and i put it in the computer. I log onto the Sauce Head sticky>

Me: <grinning> Read up, ladies.

The next few minutes, I hear the girls excitedly screaming "Oh my GOD, those frat guys WERE AFC's! And you guys are Alpha Male PUA's!". I grin at lex, knowing that we would be getting laid tonight. The girls read for about ten more minutes (even putting in 5 dollars to read more) before we all head back to the Outback.

Frat Guy 2: So about that beer?
<Sorority Girl 2 takes the beer he was drinking and pours it over his head.>

SG2: Get lost, you f**king AFC's!
FG2: What the f**K?
SG3: <rubbing my chest> yeah, we found some alpha males. Go back to the frat house and jerk off!

<With that, they leave, my grinning face the last thing they see. Me and lex piled the girls into my BMW and head over to their sorority house.>

That night, I was pleasured for hours by two sorority girls: a cute lil asian and her blonde friend, while Lex had the other two. Lex wakes me up at 7AM, telling me I need to drop him off at home so he can to to work. I walk out the door, sunlight streaming in from the morning sky.

"Wait!" one of the girls screams as I walk out. "are you ever coming back?"
<I sling my jacket over my shoulders and strap my aviators on>
"My mama said to never break promises I cant keep". Me and Lex lat flared back to my beamer and sped away from the house, never to return.
200mg of anadrol50 a day bro? wow

I thought I was bad in broad daylight picking up the BBQ...tank and all and throwing it off of the higher deck on the back of the house. neighbours were watching but I didn't give a flying fuck. meat was even on the grill. the propane ran out half way through and blew my
road rage is real, people who say it isn't are wrong.
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Only time ive ever experienced anything close to roid rage was on pro hormones.... and it was because some one changed the radio station so grabbed a wash cloth that was in the car and shoved it all the way in their mouth.... lol maybe it was a hand towel. In all honesty though I was just having a bad day. And I think pro hormones can put your system way out of wack because their is no way of controlling estrogen, dht, or prolactin so you just start to go crazy after a while. Lol now I will just abuse some one with words tell they feel like nothing.

Honestly though I have not experienced roid rage once through out the entire cycle I took this time and its the highest amount ive ever done. I think it has to do with the fact I managed prolactin and estrogen perfectly. I use to honestly get pissed when I took steroids. But I was a lot younger and didn't know how to manage everything 100% correct and it was pro hormones I was taking like superdrol.

Im going through some crazy shit right now that would make any one snap and its not stop every day. And I might feel like snapping but their has not been a point ever where I just loose it and start hitting people or things. I think I was worse off cycle. Because I had no care to control my anger. Now I know I have a lot more strength and potential to get a lot angrier and that steroids can contribute to anger. So I don't let myself go past a certain anger threshold.
I think roid rage is all in your head i have the worst temper off cycle then as soon as im on cycle im.the most chilled out person ever anyone know why that would be?
Who takes 200 mg of Anadrol/day? That's nuts! 50mg yes but four pills a day sounds like bullshit to me. The whole story sounded like a movie, but that did not happen. Geez
bull fkn shit

If I d been there I d crossed myself, asked for forgiveness, put 17 pounds pressure on a knee laterally from outside, in.....on the OP s knee clost, then assisted this fuck s descent using him both as traction, cover and as a hurdle to---Step under the swinging chain and drove the other s guido s nose into the frontal lobe...nother better than a non conforming immigrant than a DEAD non conforming immigrant.

Went to Waffle House---they got good shit there.

Dude get a gf before I put your IP address out there for all to see. Your need to type this is disturbing, your need to out it out here is alarming..

You got your purple armor yet ? Your mamma know ur here ?

cool dude
Jeeeeesus, I realize this is an old tread but this is retarded. 'Roid Rage', along with being a myth is a sad excuse for not having control of your emotions and being a fuckin idiot. It the same thing as when someone does something stupid when theyre drunk, and they say, 'I didn't know what I was doing, I was drunk'. No, you did know what you were doing and your an idiot for doing it.