Roid Rage


New member
I think I finally experienced it. I've been injecting enanthanate and winnie and snapping at people like the parking lot attendant and everyone else who gets in my way. I feel run down like I have the flu. Been on a 3 month cycle. Should I cycle off?

Perhaps if you are having roid rage, you are not the best person to be around when not on AAS. :confused:
ssmla123 said:
P.S. Roids Rage is all in your head.

I deff. agree bro. I do think that it puts you more on the edge and lets the little things get to you easier, but I have never literally raged on someone or attacked my girlfriends liek they so on those stupid TV shows.
roid rage is just a cop-out for a guy whos an asshole off the juice as well as on. I hate how people think they can be an ass and get a Card Blanche just because "they're on"
Obviously Junior weighthead is an ass. This is not in my head. you idiot. id like to beat ur ass with a 20 pound dumbell moron.
People that say they get Roid rage piss me off because it is people like u that give steroids a bad rap. Dont blame shit on the roids bro. Not meaning to flame bro but it is all in your head.
people always look for the easy answer or excuse.It's you,bro!Implanted thoughts.Increased testosterone does have a slight effect on your mentality,or thought process,but it only adds to what is alredy there.It doesn't "change" you emotionally.Mind over matter is all.
Rickyroid said:
Obviously Junior weighthead is an ass. This is not in my head. you idiot. id like to beat ur ass with a 20 pound dumbell moron.

Only a twenty pounder...hahaha...yeah, this guys a vet. Come back when you can handle the hundreds.:D
I think the folks who say the rage is all in your head must not have a pre-disposition to rage. I have always been a high strung, easily frustrated person. Once the test is increased, Im no meanor or more aggressive but I find it easier to get frustrated. But again, I tried various gear and finally found what is easier for me to deal with and whats not. I dont seek huge immediate gains. I have always tried to be safe first and pay attention to what my body is telling me about a particular cycle and particular gear. Listen to your body!!