Size Does Matter
New member
Im doing a stacked cycle at the moment. Sus 250, Deca 300, and 10ml di-anabol and I seem to have the shortest fuse iv ever had. Its definitely the gear. its causing me to have work and relationship problems atm.
I'm cycling Sus 250 and Deca 250 atm , and I feel like I'm on speed. Makes me very hyperactive, but thats about it.
I have a theory. Roid Rage is caused by estrogen.
just listen to a girl when she has her periods, same shit here
but yes roid rage is SEVERLY overated
itll just make u a litte more irritable
I take gear on and off because it makes me feel like gold. I only feel irritable sometimes when off, but everyone i know except Jehovis Witness feel irritable.
Jehovis witness make me feel irritable
Jehovis witness make me feel irritable
I'm cycling Sus 250 and Deca 250 atm , and I feel like I'm on speed. Makes me very hyperactive, but thats about it.
you sure your using test?
i dont believe in roid rage its just something everyone blames it on, and its been said for so long " you dont want take steriods what about roid rage" i cant stand that!