RUI PRODUCTS- new member need advice


New member
Ive been reading on here alot. I weigh 209lbs, 6ft. I have been in good shape, I have been in gym religiously four times a week for three months. I want to order something to help me bulk up. I currently diet, run, eat, sleep , exercise, ect. I take creatine and protein, gnc vita pack. and extra b-12. What do you people suggest I order and from who. I live in NC in US.
Thanks. If i didnt type this up right sorry.
let me clarify, I am wanting to know what supp. ya'll would suggest to help me build more muscle tissue.
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Going to need more info.

How many calories a day are you getting in?

What is your macronutrient split?

Are you looking for pure mass or FFM?

Also you have been training for 3 months no way can you be peaked off of dieting and natural training as yet.

Are you just looking for shortcuts or is there another reason you got a fire under your ass?

What is your basal metabolic rate? High, low?

What is your calorie expenditure like?
I am not sure how many calories I put in a day. I times my protein by four and subtract that from the calories . By doing this I put in around 1700-2000 a day. I Am looking for pure mass, and to be honest i dont know anything about the basal meabolic rate or expenditure, but i will do my homework and get back to you on it. The fire is under my ass, due to the fact i used to have a drinking fetish. to say the least. I havent had a drop since sep.17 2009/ over a year now. I was at 236lbs fat. I am down to 204lbs now and am goign to figure my body fat percentage and get back to you. Im 24 this oct 19th and want to give it all i got before i kick over and die. this is the reason. i basically dicked around in high school and college and partied 24/7 and want to get back to doing active things.
