Running Original FinaFlex 550-xd. Its my second cycle


New member
ok i am 21 years old and when i was 17 my friends that were with me on the football team started taking it so like and idiot i took finaflex ripped w/o any research. This time is gunna be different and i wanted to get some good advice please.
I'm looking to get a good lean bulk. Right now im 5'6 at 170 lbs. I DO NOT want to gain a lot of weight Max 10 lbs.
Please checkout my PCT cuz thats the most important part of a cycle it determines if you keep your gains or not.

1. Finaflex (1 cap/day)
2. NoEstrogen (1 cap/day)
3. Cycle Support (use as recommended)

Breakfast- 6 egg whites and 1 scoop of Healthy'N Fit Protein shake(100% egg white protein)
Snack 1- Fruit and Protein Shake
Lunch- 10oz Grilled Chicken Breast Salad(no dressing)
Snack 2- Protein Shake
Dinner- Fish or Chicken, 1 cup of Brown rice(complex carbs), Protein Shake

Mornings- 2 mile run
Evenings- P90X Lean Schedule

1. UspLabs-Prime, Test Boost,(2caps/day)
2. UspLabs-PowerFull, L-Dopa,(2caps/day)
3. DrivenSports-Triazole, Estrogen Balance(spread thru out PCT)
i havent heard of finaflex , is that a prohormone ? as tlg said u can probably gain that 10 pound without using a potentialy harmful susbstance , but choice is your and if i were you , take what u have already set up for post cycle therapy (pct) , and consider getting yourself some nolvadex and using it for a month , this will probably be a better post cycle therapy (pct) than all that stuff . use nolva at 40/40/20/20 for 4 weeks , check the board sponsor RUI for it