Safest cycling ideas? Short vs long cycles


I am banned!
I like billbroberts theory that if the cycke uses short esters like prop and tren, and if kept to 2 weeks, the HPTA doesn't suffer. Then it can repeated in 4-6 weeks.
Or, is it best to cycke mild compounds like test and deca X 12-14 weeks then take equal time off? Thoughts on this? I use traditional cycles but I'm starting to like the short cycle theory
I like billbroberts theory that if the cycke uses short esters like prop and tren, and if kept to 2 weeks, the HPTA doesn't suffer. Then it can repeated in 4-6 weeks.
Or, is it best to cycke mild compounds like test and deca X 12-14 weeks then take equal time off? Thoughts on this? I use traditional cycles but I'm starting to like the short cycle theory

Do you think your body is gonna have time to get the compound in and use the synthesis in just a few weeks to build or better yet GROW muscle in that short time. IMOP NO.

Ridiculous idea
Very ridiculous idea.

It takes at LEAST two weeks to even build to proper blood serum values with short esters. So you would build up to where the hormones are finally effective, then stop them?

Wait a month to recover (low T is NO fun), then start up again? I certainly enjoy a rollercoaster as much as the next fella, but that shit is begging for some problems. Think of how females get during shark week; you want to do that to yourself intentionally?

No thanks.

That's not even taking into account the lackluster results that would come from such an approach. Risk vs reward is the name of the game; and that's one not worth the price of admission in my opinion. ;)

My .02c :)
What do you all think is the safest way to cycke in terms of health and preserving hpta ? I know it's general and very individual, but what are your thoughts? Like 2 8 week cycles a year? Or one 12 week mass cycle in the fall and a 6 week cut cycke in the spring? Just curious to others opinions, I know there is no correct answer
Using short esters, I would still run a cycle that was 8 weeks minimum. I consider 8 weeks to be a short cycle. If you try it let us know how it goes. I could be wrong.
Ok, I'm going to do 3 weeks on (test prop plus var) take 10 weeks off and repeat. That allows me to only be on 12 weeks out the year. I'll keep y'all posted, but I won't start it till next year since I currently only have long esters.
As for gains? I am starting week 4 (of 15) of test 500 mg/week and 400 deca and 50 mg var (only running var the first 3 weeks and last 6 weeks). Anyway, start of week 4 and up 6-8 solid pounds. Look much more ripped etc. very happy so far and it's only been 3-4 weeks of long esters. I think what's making the difference is the var, so I know I would gain more with prop 200 EOD and 75 mg var at the 3 week point than where I am now... Then less shut down, train naturally for 10 weeks and repeat.
I know I'll be on hrt down the road, but I think I can push off the inevitable a few more years...
I'm 37 now so I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too, i.e. Still use, but try to do it the healthiest way possible
Ok, I'm going to do 3 weeks on (test prop plus var) take 10 weeks off and repeat. That allows me to only be on 12 weeks out the year. I'll keep y'all posted, but I won't start it till next year since I currently only have long esters.
As for gains? I am starting week 4 (of 15) of test 500 mg/week and 400 deca and 50 mg var (only running var the first 3 weeks and last 6 weeks). Anyway, start of week 4 and up 6-8 solid pounds. Look much more ripped etc. very happy so far and it's only been 3-4 weeks of long esters. I think what's making the difference is the var, so I know I would gain more with prop 200 EOD and 75 mg var at the 3 week point than where I am now... Then less shut down, train naturally for 10 weeks and repeat.
I know I'll be on hrt down the road, but I think I can push off the inevitable a few more years...
I'm 37 now so I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too, i.e. Still use, but try to do it the healthiest way possible

What's your natural test at? Have you even been tested yet? I feel like I'm preaching to a wall here; risk vs reward sir.

Risk: Permanent shut down of your natural production of testosterone for life.

Reward: ???

You will get FAR MORE from a legit 12-16 week cycle than some hokey pseudoscience based three week stint. Same risk, but... That reward is what matters. ;)

To break it down: it takes 4,000 calories to generate 1lb of lean mass. It takes another (roughly) 4,000 calories for the body to actually use that 4k in materials. Do you have 8, 000 calories on tap? Do you think you'll have that kind of energy available in three weeks?

This is why it takes time to build muscle mass, even with AAS. I urge you to rethink such a silly idea that's akin to pissing upwind.
I usually do the 12 on, 12 off, but I hate going that long being off. Just as you say, risk vs reward, I'd rather have less risk then reward, hence the short cycles. Less time on, less risk of permanent shut down... Yes less gains but I can still add a solid 8 with a 3week cycke and that's enough for me. Since I'm not shut down that much, I tend to keep the gains..
Whatever works I guess
Ok, I'm going to do 3 weeks on (test prop plus var) take 10 weeks off and repeat. That allows me to only be on 12 weeks out the year. I'll keep y'all posted, but I won't start it till next year since I currently only have long esters.
As for gains? I am starting week 4 (of 15) of test 500 mg/week and 400 deca and 50 mg var (only running var the first 3 weeks and last 6 weeks). Anyway, start of week 4 and up 6-8 solid pounds. Look much more ripped etc. very happy so far and it's only been 3-4 weeks of long esters. I think what's making the difference is the var, so I know I would gain more with prop 200 EOD and 75 mg var at the 3 week point than where I am now... Then less shut down, train naturally for 10 weeks and repeat.
I know I'll be on hrt down the road, but I think I can push off the inevitable a few more years...
I'm 37 now so I'm trying to have my cake and eat it too, i.e. Still use, but try to do it the healthiest way possible

on for 12 weeks of a what, you'll be doing 1 normal cycle each year? seems very wasteful.

Then again, you don't seem to have any fundamental understanding of basic chemistry or biology so maybe it's best.

Just don't tell people you take steroids. People like you give the rest of us a bad name

You have had some very educated people tell what they believe based on decades of using AAS is the best approach. Do not over think this or second guess these guy 's. Follow suit and in 3-5 years you will see what your reactions are to whatever cycles you choose to do.
For trt I do 1 cc of long ester test c or e.
When I "break bad" and blast I use shorter ones so that in the event of ANYTHING feeling wrong or BW proving something is wrong simply stopping rectifies the issue .
The body will seek homeostasis again. It s a wonderfully forgiving machine. A good build takes time. A bigger motor will need more fuel (fuel) even at idle.
It is not the gear nearly as much as the food and rest provided your training is on point.
Thanks T,
That's how I've been doing it for the past 10 years and it works. I'm just getting older now and at age 37 my goals are transitioning to health over big muscles. Also trying to hold onto my hpta. As for your opinion, what's the safest number of weeks in your book to be on during a one year perdido? I.e., do 2 8-week cycles? Or one mass 12-14 weeks followed by a 6-8 week citing? I know it's general just seeing ur opinion. And no, I don't wan HRt at this point...
I appreciate the constructive advice , thanks!
Forget about that plan. Total waste of time. Run a short ester for 8-10 weeks once or twice a year and hope for the best.
even with short esters you still need weeks for much to be noticed start happening...
for me min is 12wks even with short ester. i rec 12-14 week cycles. and i dont rec short ester unless on a testing deadline for something.
I would rec a basic teste cycle for 12 to 14 weeks with an AI during and a pct for 4-5 weeks of 35-50mg clomid ed and 20mg tamox ed.

even teste hits its peak per dose in just days, it takes weeks to NOTICE effects, but effects are there before you NOTICE them i assure you.. 6 or 8 week cycles are a waste and just unneeded htpa screwing for minimal to nothing in return IMO
Thanks T,
That's how I've been doing it for the past 10 years and it works. I'm just getting older now and at age 37 my goals are transitioning to health over big muscles. Also trying to hold onto my hpta. As for your opinion, what's the safest number of weeks in your book to be on during a one year perdido? I.e., do 2 8-week cycles? Or one mass 12-14 weeks followed by a 6-8 week citing? I know it's general just seeing ur opinion. And no, I don't wan HRt at this point...
I appreciate the constructive advice , thanks!

Unbelievable it's like you didn't hear ANYTHING of what WE ALL have said. Also where did you come up with getting older now at the age of 37. Shit I started AAS at the age of 29-30 and was competing at age 36, 37,38. Man I am still cycling at age 65. I even started when we knew NOTHING of safe cycling.

I look back and I didn't start to slow down until I was over 58 ish. All my blood work is G2G except I am Type II diabetic and NOT from AAS. I will never tell anyone not to take care of their body at any age. I just get hung up when people think they are physically getting up in years at the age of 37-40.

However this is personal and you / we do what we think is right for us. BUT this reasoning you have about AAS and short cycles is just not warranted. You aren't getting it no reason to do these short cycles no reward IMOP and what was said by all Teut, halfwit, onk and a few more.
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Thanks T,
That's how I've been doing it for the past 10 years and it works. I'm just getting older now and at age 37 my goals are transitioning to health over big muscles. Also trying to hold onto my hpta. As for your opinion, what's the safest number of weeks in your book to be on during a one year perdido? I.e., do 2 8-week cycles? Or one mass 12-14 weeks followed by a 6-8 week citing? I know it's general just seeing ur opinion. And no, I don't wan HRt at this point...
I appreciate the constructive advice , thanks!
i would do a 12wker bulking and maybe a 8wk cutting later in year (when mass is not concern but morso holding on to muscle is, only way i would rec cycle less than 12 weeks IMO)
test only for 8 weeks with prop is safest IMO.

I agree with this. Maybe do 2 a year. I hear what u guys are saying, it's not hard to understand. The deal is this, when I'm on test and deca, I need an AI which also drops my HDL, then I add in HCG etc
So after 2-3 months on this I'm like what the hell am I doing taking all these drugs just to look better? I feel selfish now that I'm older, job, have kids, hence the questions about safer cycles. This shouldn't offend anyone (other than Onk but I think he has mental issues or maybe just a douche or more likely both)
I agree with this. Maybe do 2 a year. I hear what u guys are saying, it's not hard to understand. The deal is this, when I'm on test and deca, I need an AI which also drops my HDL, then I add in HCG etc
So after 2-3 months on this I'm like what the hell am I doing taking all these drugs just to look better? I feel selfish now that I'm older, job, have kids, hence the questions about safer cycles. This shouldn't offend anyone (other than Onk but I think he has mental issues or maybe just a douche or more likely both)
in what time frames would you do this?
I agree with this. Maybe do 2 a year. I hear what u guys are saying, it's not hard to understand. The deal is this, when I'm on test and deca, I need an AI which also drops my HDL, then I add in HCG etc
So after 2-3 months on this I'm like what the hell am I doing taking all these drugs just to look better? I feel selfish now that I'm older, job, have kids, hence the questions about safer cycles. This shouldn't offend anyone (other than Onk but I think he has mental issues or maybe just a douche or more likely both)
short or long you should be using an AI on cycle. and using the right amount should not affect your hdl. crashing your estro could though.
maybe come off everything, wait a couple months, go for full blood work (specially to check hormones) and consider hrt if you need it and just stay on hrt and do 1-2 "blasts/cycles"a year. or do worth while cycle and accept the compounds that keep sides away OR leave it all togeather.
thats what i rec