Sarm s4 for my lady



she will be starting on monday.

I think 20 mg /day is good, split into 2 10mg dosages.

I will be dropping it in a capsule, sealing it, and giving it to her in the AM and PM.

so she can't bitch about the taste, and the taste is horrid.

I'll get her stats and post them, and get a b4 and after pic.

she will be using 5mg of var per day as well.

6 weeks.
week 1-6 20mg ED S4
week 1-6 5mg ED Var

possible she may do some clen t3 after, but it depends how lean she gets, because the girl can get lean when her diet is clean.

I'll be training her on a simple weights 1st, intervals 2nd, steady state cardio 3rd. routine 3 days a week. It's up to her if she does more than that on the other days.

I'll keep tabs on her strength numbers, mainly the reps she can do, because she's pretty weak, her bench is probably 35 lbs... but strength isn't her goal.

Anyway, any thoughts and opinions are always appreciated.

thanks bros.
I'll be following this...I would like to see a female log of s4 alone in the future,it potentionally could be a great alteritive to AS for woman.
Good luck
I'll be following this...I would like to see a female log of s4 alone in the future,it potentionally could be a great alteritive to AS for woman.
Good luck

Agreed......I don't think anyone will get a true feeling for SARMS if stacked with any AAS.
Agreed......I don't think anyone will get a true feeling for SARMS if stacked with any AAS.

True Drew and SCNTO

I will drop the var. For your reason, and just in case there are some sides.

I'll need to know what's causing it.

That should have been the plan at the start.

That's y I posted this early, to get input

by the time i got home, she was asleep, so i'll start this tomorrow for her.
I have read a log of a girl running 30mg ed.

She loved it. Started at 10mgs.

can you put up a link?

Nice...I cant wait to read the progress.
Are there going to be progress pics?
Good luck to you both.:)

yes, b4 pics and during pics.

im going to see if it can get her back to my current avatar picture. she was on 75mg of primo/wk for 6 weeks.
can you put up a link?

yes, b4 pics and during pics.

im going to see if it can get her back to my current avatar picture. she was on 75mg of primo/wk for 6 weeks.

sure here it is...she was using sarms from the board sponsor Sarms Search.

SuperQT's SARMS Experiment
gave her first dosage last night, 10mg.

she is mad at me so i don't know how this log will play out.

i'll try to get some pics, or i'll try to find some that show how her body is now.
ok 2nd dosage tonight,

will b taking pics tomorrow.

still mad at me, but willing to go with program :)
Wow I'll be following. I was considering it but not seriously. I did some research and nixed it right away. I hear the taste is truly awful so I feel for her!
What are her stats? What does her current lifting and diet regime look like? Did she have any negative effects from the Primo?

5'7 1/2"

cardio 3-4 days/week.
weights 3 days/week.

primo= voice and skin probs. I did not put her on that cycle, i didn't even know she was doing it.

we had a long dist. relationship for about 2 years, and she did this before she moved out to me.

I would not have put her on primo unless it was my primo, because that shit is faked often. I have a feeling it may hav been test or Winstrol (winny) she was on, because her sides were so strong.

she told me her throat was sore, and since i didnt' see her everyday i had no clue she was on gear, then i saw her, and i knew she was on something. Her source said it was primo from mexico. I wasn't happy. but what can u do.

she had some sex drive issues when she went off.

her voice is still a little cracky, but not bad, her skin is healed up pretty good, and her sex drive is back to normal.

so she was off everything since may 2009. and was only on "primo" for 6 weeks.

Wow I'll be following. I was considering it but not seriously. I did some research and nixed it right away. I hear the taste is truly awful so I feel for her!

The taste is not a problem, I put it in a gel cap, and swallow it. It works so perfect and it makes it easy to dose correctly.

I use an 18g needle to draw it, then i dose it accordingly.

I am going to be testing some new S4 soon that supposedly has a grape flavor, and it's 200MG/ML. we'll c.

I'll let u know if that masks the flavor at all.
Still waiting on those pics...

I would hate to think that she was running Test for a little while... That would be awful.
she has worked 11 straight days, some ppl were fired and they are reorganizing some projects... IT geeks...

her workouts have been minimal but we are back on track, she worked out yesterday and will again tomorrow.

i have her before picture...
