serious rage and mentally unstable, help.

Please try and find a more respectful method to convey your message in the future.


I thought I was being respectful:dunno: I think if your predisposed to an attitude problem you shouldn't be messin with gear. When I first joined here there was a post (I believe by a Mod) that was detering tempermental individuals from doing gear. If you look around I think this could be redirected! I was just puttin in my 2 cc's :dunno: Peace Oz
Am i missing something? What the hell are you all bent about? I thought he Dlove gave a pretty good honest responce. Unless i'm just retarded and missed something...Any way i think you being kinda over kill. Not saying you don't have the right to dissagree but i just think you could handle it a little better. But what ever just trying to keep the peace...

yea i shouldnt have responded like that, i take it back. i was just taking out some aggression on the keyboard. i apologize for the negativity.
my first cycle i didnt use an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and was a little off the handle when it came to fights and was way too agressive. my more recent cycles that i have run with higher doses of gear have been giving me way less agression and been more mentally stable. I think that arimidex was the x factor there. it kind of makes sense because estrogen will make you strait crazy. just my 2 cents but it might be worth a try.

same with me .. control the estrogen