Shaving nick bleeding like crazy.


New member
This thing is gushing blood and it's tiny. Like really tiny, popping a pimple would produce a bigger lesion. Could it be

Test E

Now that I looked my arm where the zit was is still bleeding... Neck has a tiny wet looking clot but only after 30 minutes of bleeding
Nah man, cause I popped a zit prior and it bleed a lot and unusually long.


You know you're on AAS, so you're looking extremely hard at normal occurrences that are totally not related. If anything, you would bleed LESS as your platelet count is increasing.

I promise you that you're not in any danger from your cycle, leading to death from a shaving nick.
Yeah I guess you could maybe be right. But I also just found out today that I did 3.4 grams of gear in one week. So I'm a little on edge
Yeah I guess you could maybe be right. But I also just found out today that I did 3.4 grams of gear in one week. So I'm a little on edge

You found out you did that amount of gear, what, did you read it in the paper or saw it on Headline News? Next time, keep pressure on it and play it safe.
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I use a safety razor and my nicks bleed very nicely...hard to stop them due to just how sharp those blades are.
You accidentally did 3.4g of gear? You don't need to be doing AAS. The bleeding is unrelated but I don't understand how your situation is even possible for a logical adult.
get a styptic pencil from the pharmacy and keep on hand, you nick wet the pencil stick it in the nick / cut and bleeding stops..easy as pie.
I shave my head and use one if needed.

Id be more worried about not knowing you did 3.4 g of gear than a bleeding nick
Oh yeah, blasted EQ and Test E 600 milligrams of each in 9 days. It was a dumb mistake yeah, I simply over looked the blended compound. My B. Lol and I like how who ever said, you shouldn't be doing AAS. Stfu. You trying to tell me you've never made a mistake? you guys treat this crap like we're dealing with enriched plutonium. I know dudes that just blast away what ever compounds and ride out. I on the other hand have a pretty solid cycle that this forum bashed only until after I started it. On the other hand, judging by your comment, you sir should not be doing AAS.
You haven't pulled out a needle from pinning and had your delt squirt blood across the room yet have you? :D

Believe me when I say this, you're just over thinking it. 100% in your head. Razor cuts got nothing on the streams I've gotten from my glute and quad injections. Lol