SHortness of breath on Test C -- help


New member
I am on my 5th week of test c. 250mg 2x per week. My first 3 weeks i did not feel this, had a good diet. 250gprotein,250gcarbs, 70gfat.

My 4th week (last week) i traveled so my diet was not good only worked out 3 days drank sodas etc.

I wet to workout today, injected this morning, and i could barely breathe my entire workout. I have gained about 12pounds since day 1. My strength has went up, but today was pretty bad in regards to shortness of breath.

COudl this be from my bad diet last week, or bloatness, or weight gain? Should i start doing more cardio? I do about 15mins per week. Suggestions please
Get labs pronto,
need to rule out high red blood cell count or high estrogen.

As questioned in previous post...are you using any ai?
12 pd s in 3.5 weeks ish is 9-11 pound s water.
AND that s not all bad water as u indicated ur strength is up, right ? Glycogen stores are up is my point bro -horse power and cubic inches increased. U do feel fuller right ?
... and 15 ms cardio is not worth typing lol.
Ur laboring due to the water weight I m o .
BP ? Resting pulse ? Wheezing when fucking..? Woody ?
Seriously dude. That s relevant as I dig cardio but SEX is my cardio test. Sweat like leg s day; it s gross actually.

Blood s are needed stat.
I blew up really fucking fast, feel strong confident etc. strength is up. wheezing when working out, not having sex roght now so cant say. what do i get for lab results
No, I have exemstane on hand but i have not needed it.

I had pretty bad shortness of breath due to high e2 levels. I didn't think they were elevated but they were like 138. Point is not everybody's e2 symptoms are itchy nips. My money is on e2. Start taking your ai now and get bloods.
I don't know about shortness of breath..BUT as was said You need the AI.

YOu said you didn't need it. What do you thing the 12 pounds are. Do you think you grew LMM in just 4 week when the test is just beginning to really get into it's work.

Teut said 9-11 pounds of fluids and not all bad and just water. YOu need to understand what fills up your muscles so the look pumped right off the bat.

Please I will not bash you but you need to learn about aromatization and test. YOu need to understand what and why you use an AI. Simple to control estrogen.

High Estrogen Side Effects:

- Gynecomastia
- Anxiety & panic attacks
- Depression
- Erectile dysfunction
- Water retention
- High blood pressure
- Loss of balance/instability/dizziness
- Respiratory related concerns
- Irritability
- Low libido
- Insomnia
- Prostate related issues
- Crying like a little girl and being emotional

Another thing, you didn't do BW and you ask what BW to do ???
Back to reading ALL the sticky's . Did you read any.
Look into Estrogen, Progesterone and Prolactin.

So you have some good gear with the effects you are getting, but also estrogen which is normal.
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There s blood work links everywhere around here my water logged friend. (not bashing jus bustin) .

Contact one and for under say 65-75.oo u can get a full panel w reference to stuff u don t NEED but hey better to have data and not need it than need it...blah blah.

Glad ur gear s gtg so there s always s an up side to this now go live longer get that BW DONE. It ll show normal ranges of 'everything" and where ur at and I ll bet my shriveled diminutive left testicle ur e2's off by 25 plus percent. ll just start w the stane at 12.5 e d.
Do cardio !!! Ur heart and feeding your dick pussy are why we do this...the rest is just a side effect .
Y aren t you tossing off daily ? Essential...13 orgasms a month are PROVEN to be very healthy and anti oxidal in nature.

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I will read more on BW I was focusing on gear and etc before starting. Thanks for the info, I will make an appt. question, I will do ai now 12.5mg ED for a week, but can this cause any permanent damage at my level? Meaning once I do proper PCT etc I will be back to normal without doctor prescribed drugs etc
Speaking of water retaining...
I weighed 222 on Sunday after tons of salt, and 2 days of 7000 calories.
I took some ai last night, woke up this morning, got on scale and I'm at 216. 6 pounds fluctuation!
Just to give you an idea of how much difference it can make when you're running a bit high on estrogen.
Speaking of water retaining...
I weighed 222 on Sunday after tons of salt, and 2 days of 7000 calories.
I took some ai last night, woke up this morning, got on scale and I'm at 216. 6 pounds fluctuation!
Just to give you an idea of how much difference it can make when you're running a bit high on estrogen.[/QUOTE]

You are eating 7000 calories a day ??? Huh

Sorry to get into this man^^^ but ... We all will agree about the high estrogen and him needing the AI etc...
But your example is way off and makes no sense. One night of an AI will not drop your E2 that fast and cause a water retention to be reduced in the course of 12-24 hrs. There are a few factors that can cause a weight loss. One is what time of day and in relation to a full stomach also when someone had there last two to three bowel movements. I can and do fluctuate 3 pounds all the time day to day due to the time I ate and moved my bowels.

With your example of eating 7000 calories would even enhance this situation compared to my 3500 calories. The fact that you carried 7000 calories ( you say) for two days bears weight , ha (pun intended) in this example and in your gut. Just backing off those calories could cause a drop on 4-6 pounds in 24 hrs and have NOTHING to do with your E2 level.

By your own post you set some parameters speaking of your salt intake with those calories. ??? Huh

If this is what happened to you in just 12- 24 hours I can't imagine how much water weight you are actually carrying in total. I don't believe that your weight loss had anything to do with Estrogen and one dose of AI. Please...:mad:

My reason for my Questioning your post is to keep our information as accurate as possible so as not to mislead the uninformed persons.

IMOP your example is way off.
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