should i cut up or keep lean bulk or recomp

I know funny thing is i dont know what it is the chickd i get with wanna pop them and she hasnt been around in a few dsyd to do so, lmao, and i kina hate it as she wil sneak up and randomly squeeze the shit outta them

Those are cysts Matt you need to go get them cut out and removed.

I've had several of them extracted here is a video of me in surgery.

Matt....could you post up your training regimen? Workouts/sets/reps?

I have a theory. I know diet is 70% of your results, and I won't tell you your diet sucks because I've seen pics of your meal prep and whatnot and it actually looks pretty solid. But From what I've seen in the last couple years with your threads it seems your training is not conducive to hypertrophy. You seem to be most concerned with physique rather than strength but your videos and what I've heard tell me your training is more strength oriented. Heavy deadlifts for 2 reps, setting PR's on bench for 1-3 reps, etc. Your muscles are pretty firm and dense, which is normal for strength trainers, but I think you'll get more size from a routine more revolved around hypertrophy. Less weight, more reps, strict form, TUT, etc.

I started really growing when I swallowed my ego and dropped all my lifts and focused on all the important factors for growth. Plus my joints feel much better as well.

with out reading every single comment or really commenting on OP at all, this is great advice.

I used to be one of them fellas that cared about what my lifts were and was always focused on being the strongest guy in my gym like my heavy lifts proved something. Truth be told I stayed strong but had sore joints and barely grew.

Switched to a bigger volume of reps with lighter weights, consistent slow movements and really feeling the squeeze, added a few more exercises per muscle group as well because I wasn't so fatigued from stupid heavy lifts. I started growing like crazy this way versus just lifting heavy.
Matt....could you post up your training regimen? Workouts/sets/reps?

I have a theory. I know diet is 70% of your results, and I won't tell you your diet sucks because I've seen pics of your meal prep and whatnot and it actually looks pretty solid. But From what I've seen in the last couple years with your threads it seems your training is not conducive to hypertrophy. You seem to be most concerned with physique rather than strength but your videos and what I've heard tell me your training is more strength oriented. Heavy deadlifts for 2 reps, setting PR's on bench for 1-3 reps, etc. Your muscles are pretty firm and dense, which is normal for strength trainers, but I think you'll get more size from a routine more revolved around hypertrophy. Less weight, more reps, strict form, TUT, etc.

I started really growing when I swallowed my ego and dropped all my lifts and focused on all the important factors for growth. Plus my joints feel much better as well.

I believe this ^^^ is solid advice. There comes a time when we need to follow a regimen that is focused on either power lifting or BB and the two are not the same.

Good Luck
Like what rep rsnge sould i be gunning for?

Sometimes I'll do both on a given workout...for instance Bench presses I'll start with 135 # WU for 15 reps then 185 for 10 reps then 225 for 10 more then 275 for max reps short of failure (4-6)then back down to 225 for work more sets just short of failure then maybe 135 for the same.

I get sets of 5-6 reps and then 12-15 reps and 25-30 for the set with 135
Keeps your body guessing. Powerlifting is a different approach altogether but that's not what I'm after
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My gym time been shitty
Only 2 times this week :(
Fuck gotta get back into my routine again

Seems like you might as well jump off the cycle and save your gear/money until you're in better mental space and making the gym priority.

Seems redundant to be on so much shit and missing a whole week of lifting, your time lifting and resting should be reversed. No reason to be on cycle and beat your body up to not capitalize on it.

Take what I say with a grain of salt as I'm no expert, but I surely think you should pause the gear until you're ready to commit.

Added quickly:

I feel the best pump and blood flow for me comes from weight I can do about 20 reps with, mind you the last couple are a complete struggle to achieve but I push thru. You also need to be lifting to overload or however they word it, failure, something like that. If you can easily do your last rep with little effort then you need to add some weight and find that medium you need.

I like carverellis idea of adding in a mix of heavy and light as well.
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Sometimes I'll do both on a given workout...for instance Bench presses I'll start with 135 # WU for 15 reps then 185 for 10 reps then 225 for 10 more then 275 for max reps short of failure (4-6)then back down to 225 for work more sets just short of failure then maybe 135 for the same.

I get sets of 5-6 reps and then 12-15 reps and 25-30 for the set with 135
Keeps your body guessing. Powerlifting is a different approach altogether but that's not what I'm after

Yep. 100%. Don't toss heavy lifting out the window completely. I still utilize sets of 3-5 every so often. I do everything by feel. Hell I'll do lateral delt raises with 10lb dumbells for sets of 30 and go up 2.5lbs each set until I reach 35lbs and shoot for 5-8 reps. I just beat the shit out of my muscles any way I can. Confuse the shit out of them. Do a heavy set, light set, medium set, then another light set, then another heavy set.....pyramids, reverse pyramids etc etc. Just tear those fuckers up, pin your gear, and eat your food. The best thing I've done in the past year is to stop thinking and just beat the shit out of my muscles any way I can.
Seems like you might as well jump off the cycle and save your gear/money until you're in better mental space and making the gym priority.

Seems redundant to be on so much shit and missing a whole week of lifting, your time lifting and resting should be reversed. No reason to be on cycle and beat your body up to not capitalize on it.

Take what I say with a grain of salt as I'm no expert, but I surely think you should pause the gear until you're ready to commit.

Added quickly:

I feel the best pump and blood flow for me comes from weight I can do about 20 reps with, mind you the last couple are a complete struggle to achieve but I push thru. You also need to be lifting to overload or however they word it, failure, something like that. If you can easily do your last rep with little effort then you need to add some weight and find that medium you need.

I like carverellis idea of adding in a mix of heavy and light as well.

Bpak talked about training a body part twice in a day. Morning more weight less reps with explosiveness, the evening 12-20 reps for volume and pump. I wouldn't do this every workout but maybe every 4th one might be OK. Like previously mentioned more as a shock to the muscle to stimulate growth fast twitch and slow twitch getting beat up
The more I think about it the more I think the gear is bunk
Whatever bud
I need to get bsck in gym today
People go through struggles and i myself fuck csnt get woman off my mind and its beating me up inside
Everything since the ex i was with 4 years is not working
And now my ex isnt letting me see my dsughter
Havent had no communication with the ex for 3 weeks regarding how our dsughter is doing and its mentally ripping me apart
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Whatever bud
I need to get bsck in gym today
People go through struggles and i myself fuck csnt get woman off my mind and its beating me up inside
Everything since the ex i was with 4 years is not working
And now my ex isnt letting me see my dsughter
Havent had no communication with the ex for 3 weeks regarding how our dsughter is doing and its mentally ripping me apart

You should prob get all the above mentioned shit together before you go blasting cruising chopping bulking trening etc. Get your head straight and get a good plan together....for life first