should i cut up or keep lean bulk or recomp

Whatever bud
I need to get bsck in gym today
People go through struggles and i myself fuck cant get woman off my mind and its beating me up inside
Everything since the ex i was with 4 years is not working
And now my ex isnt letting me see my daughter
Havent had no communication with the ex for 3 weeks regarding how our daughter is doing and its mentally ripping me apart

Hang in there brother, lots of support here for you.
Whatever bud
I need to get bsck in gym today
People go through struggles and i myself fuck csnt get woman off my mind and its beating me up inside
Everything since the ex i was with 4 years is not working
And now my ex isnt letting me see my dsughter
Havent had no communication with the ex for 3 weeks regarding how our dsughter is doing and its mentally ripping me apart

I wrote above that you should end the cycle and get yourself straight first, I see someone agreed. I cant imagine all the gear is doing anything good for you well you're so upset... it's probably making your mental state worse. Get off the cycle and get your visitation.

You have rights, she cannot hold your child from you like that unless she has some proof you're a threat to your daughter and I highly doubt that. It can vary state to state but no US state supports withholding children from either parent unless there is a direct reason. You need to get your head together and go see a lawyer, or put in the research at the court house and ask the right people the right questions to find out what paper work needs to be done. You file for custody and you will be good, she cannot tell the judge no and they cannot tell you no unless there is a serious reason, the process takes time so don't dwell as you WILL get to see her in due time brother. Don't let it fuck you up, don't lose your shit and keep it together... don't give your X any ammo against you or do anything that could make you look like an ass in court. Lay low, get your ass in the gym, stop pinning shit, focus on CUSTODY and VISITATION papers and you'll be GTG.

I am a father of 3 little ones, 2 boys and a daughter that is 4.... I would slice my own nuts off before I let someone keep my daughter from me, NO daughter should be without her father, the last thing you want is her having daddy issues down the road.

Just focus on what's important man, and in your scenario I think AAS use could take the back seat priority level.

Hope you're doing okay and stay strong.
Yeah its quite bs
I am seeing a girl but not allowed to see a girl in return not ba able to see my daughter
Meanwhile she has another dude living there
Been split now for 7 months and she is still like this
She went from a meathead to a guy way outta shape but it is what it is
Yeah its quite bs
I am seeing a girl but not allowed to see a girl in return not ba able to see my daughter
Meanwhile she has another dude living there
Been split now for 7 months and she is still like this
She went from a meathead to a guy way outta shape but it is what it is

That's common with moms who have insecurity issues and like to keep dad on the back burner or keep him hanging on in case she is lonely, yet they can do whatever the fuck they want. But listen, that is what it is and you cannot change her so don't bother trying and don't dwell over her choice in men... if she wants to be like that then fuck her bro that's what it is, bad parents use their kids as weapons or as a tool against the other parent, simple as that - it makes her a bad person and shows she truly doesn't have your/her daughters best interest at heart.

With that said balls in your court though, you can let her do this silly kid shit an with hold your daughter or you can take her ass directly too the court room and get your rights on paper. From sounds of it, you will likely need to do so - there is just no reasoning with some people in general. In my eyes it should never become an issue where parents have to take each other to court to get what's fair because it shows immaturity and the lack of true readiness to accept parenthood. Sometimes we mate and reproduce when we weren't meant to with a certain person but there is no way to see that ahead of time., so you have to do what you have to do.

Point blank - don't tolerate that shit, if you miss your daughter you need to do something about it as clearly she isn't going to do you any kindness or favors.

I still say its time to hit the kill switch on your cycle and get your mind right.
Stress and tren dont mix good domt end up in jail like i did. I actually had a wake up call and use tren sparingly now dam i sure do miss always being on tren though
I'm gonna jump on the bandwagon too and strongly suggest abandoning your cycle. Not even because it's a waste if you can't commit to your diet and training, but because you have too much going on and you need to be level headed to take on these issues. To be honest I felt like a million bucks on my last cruise. My emotions were more stable, my BP was down, mood was good etc. I was going through a shitty time (not the same magnitude as you) but was able to clear my head and secure an amazing girl, picked up a second job, bought a house, all in a few months time.
Also going to echo what others are saying, end the cycle and get your mind straight, nothing is more important than family! If I remember correctly from old posts didn't your girl know you were cycling? If you do go to court for your daughter you don't want her using that against you!
Had an amazing pumo yesterday
Got there around 11pm
Hit chest and tri's and felt awesome
Back day today :)
Still sitting at 227lbs as of today
Last edited:
Had an amazing pumo yesterday
Got there around 11pm
Hit chest and tri's and felt awesome
Back day today :)
Still sitting at 227lbs as of today

Wasn't this photo your AVI? I swear it was just yesterday, so how current is it? Obviously this angle does you justice which is why most photos are taken in bright lighting, full poses with someone else snapping pic. I try to do before/afters in same room with same light.

The other thing is you seem to be ignoring the advice, all you mentioned about what I told you is your situation is BS, and well it is BS only you can make it better. So again I advocate to get off the shit and go file for your daughter.... don't you think she misses you? You said another man lives with them already.... do you WANT her to get used to him and start to view someone else as a father figure? Trust me later on in life she isn't going to accept the excuse of your mom wouldn't let me see you... that will be BS to her. It sounds like your ex will just continue to do this shit over and over.

Someone mentioned your ex knew about the cycling... you don't want this to come up in court, I promise if she gets your drug tested and you test hot for AAS she will be able to do what ever the fuck she wants, the judge will not give you shit for visitation and he will be able to paint this picture that your an asshole steroid user, thanks to the media and people who do stupid shit people view this as the end all be all.

Not telling you what to do as no one can, but coming from a father of 3 it seems like to me you are currently worrying about the wrong shit. Eat good, lift good, switch up your routine, do what you gotta do to just be healthy man. I doubt you will be able to get your mind straight on so much shit.

I dunno.... this is all I got man, you really need to be focusing on your daughter. Not trying to be a dick but you are the one who put your business on here about missing her, so if you miss her and that's messing you up you need to ix that shit, even if you didn't miss her - you need to see her for her greater good, you need to pony the fuck up and look out for your kid. That should be number one priority, not no fucking dumb lean bulk or some huge fucking blast... in your case you should be on 0 illegal substances.
Matt :

Quote : I dunno.... this is all I got man, you really need to be focusing on your daughter. Not trying to be a dick but you are the one who put your business on here about missing her, so if you miss her and that's messing you up you need to ix that shit, even if you didn't miss her - you need to see her for her greater good, you need to pony the fuck up and look out for your kid. That should be number one priority, not no fucking dumb lean bulk or some huge fucking blast... in your case you should be on 0 illegal substances.

THIS is IMPORTANT ^^^^^^^^^
Yeah its quite bs
I am seeing a girl but not allowed to see a girl in return not ba able to see my daughter
Meanwhile she has another dude living there
Been split now for 7 months and she is still like this
She went from a meathead to a guy way outta shape but it is what it is

Lol what does being in shape or not have anything to do with a relationship
The other guy could have a better job, treat her better, and provide a better life/security. But omg what?!?! Hes fat!!!
Agreed...ridiculous statement...shows where his head is

I agree with you both as well, out of anything he could of said - he chose to say THAT, and that's why its ridiculous. Not trying to be an ass but its not like your shredded completely either, nor am I so just saying.
No pump, non flexed and no photo edit crap
And got abit of a smile of my face
DecidedTo recomp eat at matanence lean out abit more maybe put on some lbm in the preocess and take a break from bulking up and theb bulk up again
Today sitting around 227lbs fasted
No pump, non flexed and no photo edit crap
And got abit of a smile of my face
DecidedTo recomp eat at matanence lean out abit more maybe put on some lbm in the preocess and take a break from bulking up and theb bulk up again
Today sitting around 227lbs fasted

Matt, the trimmed beard looks great on ya brother!