Had an amazing pumo yesterday
Got there around 11pm
Hit chest and tri's and felt awesome
Back day today

Still sitting at 227lbs as of today
Wasn't this photo your AVI? I swear it was just yesterday, so how current is it? Obviously this angle does you justice which is why most photos are taken in bright lighting, full poses with someone else snapping pic. I try to do before/afters in same room with same light.
The other thing is you seem to be ignoring the advice, all you mentioned about what I told you is your situation is BS, and well it is BS only you can make it better. So again I advocate to get off the shit and go file for your daughter.... don't you think she misses you? You said another man lives with them already.... do you WANT her to get used to him and start to view someone else as a father figure? Trust me later on in life she isn't going to accept the excuse of your mom wouldn't let me see you... that will be BS to her. It sounds like your ex will just continue to do this shit over and over.
Someone mentioned your ex knew about the cycling... you don't want this to come up in court, I promise if she gets your drug tested and you test hot for AAS she will be able to do what ever the fuck she wants, the judge will not give you shit for visitation and he will be able to paint this picture that your an asshole steroid user, thanks to the media and people who do stupid shit people view this as the end all be all.
Not telling you what to do as no one can, but coming from a father of 3 it seems like to me you are currently worrying about the wrong shit. Eat good, lift good, switch up your routine, do what you gotta do to just be healthy man. I doubt you will be able to get your mind straight on so much shit.
I dunno.... this is all I got man, you really need to be focusing on your daughter. Not trying to be a dick but you are the one who put your business on here about missing her, so if you miss her and that's messing you up you need to ix that shit, even if you didn't miss her - you need to see her for her greater good, you need to pony the fuck up and look out for your kid. That should be number one priority, not no fucking dumb lean bulk or some huge fucking blast... in your case you should be on 0 illegal substances.