sleep help?

inked1 said:
smoking pot does the opposite to me. it gets my mind going and then i can't sleep for hours

Same here...

BTW it also reduces the quality of your sleep cycle (as does alcohol). THough if you do have insomnia then it can at least help you rest.
inked1 said:
alcohol inhibits 5HT production and then REM sleep doesn't it? whats the deal with THC?

Basically it does the same. It surpresses REM activity and lowers the eye movement during this stage. The length of the 4th stage of sleep will be seriously lengthened.

It stimulates the production of melatonin in the body but in the long run it can seriuously disrupt the bodys own production which could result in insomnia (lot of can, ifs and buts here)

Another interesting thing that you might want to look into..

I read an interesting study that stated that red peppers taken in small quantities can in fact stimulate sleep.

I can't remember the facts behind it...but who knows it can help.
bulk nutrition has this product called phenibut... its supposed to act kina like valium... but legal... i have problems sleeping myself... a nice glass of water with a table spoon of that in it... i sleep like a baby.
inked1 said:
smoking pot does the opposite to me. it gets my mind going and then i can't sleep for hours

God...this is so true in more ways than you can immagine...

Its three in the morning here and about 20 minutes ago my gf and I were rudely awakended by the doorbel. I opened the door (f* mad) and there are four cops telling me they need a powersupply because they are clearing an illegal weed operation they accidentally stumbled onto in the appartment across the hall...Its been absolute pandemonium here since then...
phenibut powder from what ive heard can help with depression and it can also make you feel sorta for sleep, i take melatonin every night..1 (2.5) mg pill will start to make me feel sleepy within about an hour and helps promote a great sleeping pattern