Slowly creating a new custom routine

I am on PB's routine right now, but after summer i want to go on another routine for 3-4 months, then switch back to PB's, to keep my muscles guessing, and mentally into it all. Something i just have to do. So i am going to start trying to build myself a routine for my goals and my body. Here is what i have to start with...the foundation.

Squat - 2 x 5
Leg Press - 1 x 20
Lunges - 1 x 8-12
Outer Hips - 1 x 12
Standing Calves - 3 x 6-10

Wide Grip Flat Bench - 2 x 6
Low Inclined Dumbless Press/Hammer Grip DB press - 2 x 8-12
Close Grip Bench - 2 x 8-12
Tricept Overhead Extention- 1 x 8-12
Shoulder Press - 2 x 6-8
Bent lat raise - 2 x 20


Deadlift (variate) - 2 x 5
Widegrip Lat Pulldowns - 1 x 8-12
Row - 2 x 6-8
Reverse Close lat pulldown - 2 x 8-12
Shrugs - 2 x 10
Widegrip Curls - 2 x 8-12
Hammer Curls - 2 x 8-12

Close grip dips - 2 x 8-12
Tricept Pushdown - 1 x 8-12


Inclined curls - 2 x 8-12
Reverse Grip Curls - 2 x 8-12

I deleted a few sets and excersizes. The basis behind my routine, so far, is my arms i feel are being undertrained compared to my whole body, and they have always healed very fast. And i am giving my back, the same amount of rest and my arms, Which i don't like. I also feel i need a heavy compound shoulder excersize, and threw in 1 set of shoulder press. I put abs on seperate days because i like to get home from the gym still pumped on what i lifted that day for my protein shake.
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You're still pretty new to the game. You need to focus on doing heavy compound lifts instead of doing multiple isolation exercises. You have to build the muscle before you can shape it.

Bench press, deadlift, squats, bb rows, bb curls.
PA, take it from me bro, stay true to the heavy ass weight. The staples of my routines: Squats, deadlifts, rows, bench. If you are doing these excersizes your arms are NOT being undertrained bud, trust me. The addition of 3-4 sets of curls or a tri movement is all you really need for hypertrophy. I mean shit Ive never seen a guy with skinny arms pull 600 off the floor. Try to go with that mentality.

I highly recommend you do some reading up on WBS (west side barbell) because with a modified routine following the principles of ME and DE days, you can pack on some silly size AND get pretty darn strong.
Im about to give PB's routine a shot for a few months to see how i get on, gonna use the generic one from this thread, spending a few weeks in the gym now working out what all my max lifts are for the rep ranges.

PA: from doing PB's routine your talking about doing 6 days a week, this cant be enough recovery time, you should stick to the heavy weights and the 3 day routine for rest
Looks good, but I think you should go heavy on squats and lighter on leg press. Also, tuesdays workout looks a little long, I think you should take out some shoulders, just stick to heavy lifts, and 2-3 sets per excersize. Thats what worked for me. Also for thursday I think you should stick with 3 back instead of 4, its more than enough.
Last, I think forearms and biceps should only be trained once a week, why repeat them on sunday? The more rest the better, take sunday off.
eh, typical overanalyzer hit-the-muscle-from-every-angle routine. nothing special.

1. you dont need to isolate every muscle, especially when your not on drugs
2. you dont have to "keep the muscle guessing"
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I was going to suggest WSB as well.
Add in some BB lifts and work with the basic blueprint but WSB has great ideas for strength/size,
Suareezay said:
eh, typical overanalyzer hit-the-muscle-from-every-angle routine. nothing special.

1. you dont need to isolate every muscle, especially when your not on drugs
2. you dont have to "keep the muscle guessing"

lol, when not on drugs