Smith Machine Squat?


New member
What's up fellas...I have posted in the past that I have an on going back problem...herniated disc...L5/S1. For the past 6 years or so..I've stayed away from squats and deadlifts. I sucks.

Due to the physical nature of my job...I CANNOT afford to injure my back off the job.
I've been compensating with goblet squats, body weight squats, kettle bell squats etc.

I've just decided to start squatting again..and I'm starting out on the smith machine or maxrack...I'm going slow and steady..squatting down to a little bit below parallel...keeping abs and core tight. Strength has improved, and I'm adding weight almost every leg day.

Question is...I've heard mixed thoughts on use of a smith machine..some swear by it..some stay it keeps your body in unnatural positions. I have been improving..and once I feel I'm ready, I will start normal squatting again.

Any reasons why I should stay away from the smith machine?? Thanks boys!
the biggest thing you loose using the smith machine, is your not engaging the small stabilizing muscles. so those fibers that you really need to build to squat heavy are not there. I would say once your back strength is up start normal squats but not at the same weight, reduce the weight and ensure your stabilizing muscle are engaged and work back up to the heavier squats. Personally if you want the biggest bang for your buck stay away from the smith and squat a much lower weight
What's up fellas...I have posted in the past that I have an on going back problem...herniated disc...L5/S1. For the past 6 years or so..I've stayed away from squats and deadlifts. I sucks.

Due to the physical nature of my job...I CANNOT afford to injure my back off the job.
I've been compensating with goblet squats, body weight squats, kettle bell squats etc.

I've just decided to start squatting again..and I'm starting out on the smith machine or maxrack...I'm going slow and steady..squatting down to a little bit below parallel...keeping abs and core tight. Strength has improved, and I'm adding weight almost every leg day.

Question is...I've heard mixed thoughts on use of a smith machine..some swear by it..some stay it keeps your body in unnatural positions. I have been improving..and once I feel I'm ready, I will start normal squatting again.

Any reasons why I should stay away from the smith machine?? Thanks boys!

ive had a double back surgery so i understand. i vote lower weight regular squat done ass to the grass with great form , throw in some higher rep sets 20-30 reps witth light along with some 8-10 rep sets a little heavier. a strong set of core muscles will stabilize your back in the long run .
Thanks guys..appreciate it. Sounds like a good idea....and dawg...once i get to the heavier weights ill be putting that belt to use! Is it possible that im on my way to having legs again??? Haha.

And matt...the incline is going great. Solid advice from you guys as always!
Thanks guys..appreciate it. Sounds like a good idea....and dawg...once i get to the heavier weights ill be putting that belt to use! Is it possible that im on my way to having legs again??? Haha.

And matt...the incline is going great. Solid advice from you guys as always!

remember on the belt . it should be tight not DAMN tight . leave enough room for you to push against it with your abbs , that is what gives you your support . try it just standing in your house , leave it just a little looser than most people , take in that deep breath and push hard against it with your abs . your whole midesction should feel locked in like concrete.
remember on the belt . it should be tight not DAMN tight . leave enough room for you to push against it with your abbs , that is what gives you your support . try it just standing in your house , leave it just a little looser than most people , take in that deep breath and push hard against it with your abs . your whole midesction should feel locked in like concrete.

Will do dawg...thanks bro.
Yeah don't do what I did. Car accident almost 3 years ago and when I came back I got strong in the smith machine ... too strong with no small muscle fiber build up for balance and stability. I ended up down for nearly a month because I got stupid.

Follow everyone's advice... I will add that westside has some band/bar exercises that helped me a bunch. It's very odd feeling. I saw a video of them doing this on flat bench so I gave it a try on squats. I dropped way back on weight went to the squat rack added bands wrapped knees, got form down, got low... real low. Progress has been slower but I was able to do 5x5 with 495 (ass to heels)last week and though this is not a ton of weight on squats, I'm proud of it.

Never lift weights again without surgery my ass!!
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Ive had issues with my lower back. The smith machine is a god send for my squatting everytime i use a free weight squat bam it hurts my lower back. Kai greene did a really interesting article on the squat if u can find that .
I herniated two discs and didn't squat for years and my back would get irritated. Now I squat and It seems to have helped to strengthen and heal my back. I squat low bar.
The dog is right about holding your breath with and with out a belt, it makes a huge difference, even more so with a belt.
I linked a search on another forum with very specific info. Check it out.
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I have 2 hernited disc too....L5-S1.

I now squat with more weight than ever....even before my back injuries.

Best advice is to get your back STRONG, before trying any type of squat.

My opinion, when used as a substitute on a long term basis, the Smith Machine causes more injuries than it prevents. It can be used to isolate muscles, like doing a smith machine lunge (that's good), but i would not expect it to take the place of a FREE WEIGHT SQUAT. No way Jose.

Strengthen the Lower Back with Dead lifts. If you can't dead lift, then your back is not ready to squat with a heavy weight on your shoulders. At that point, stick with the leg presses until your back is healed.