Day 71
So I wanted to give an update after 10 weeks. Overall i think things are going good. I weighed in at 258 this weekend which puts me up 25 pounds. My strength has increased and Im stronger every week. The pumps are insane and almost too much at times but I know Ill be wishing for them when I come off.
As far as side effects go Ive experienced acne on my shoulder, a little bloat, hair growth on my stomach and the back of my shoulers, and a small lump under my left nipple that I credit to dbol. Likely the last time I ever use it. Since coming off it hasnt gotten any worse but it's still sensitive at times. Im hoping the sensitivity goes away during post cycle because the overall size of the lump doesnt bother me. It doesnt make my chest look any different. If it doesnt subside, I will likley attack it with a letro/raloxifene combination to shrink it down.
An update from the weekend. Friday I went in and did shoulders. It wasnt my best workout because i got to talking to a guy for a while and then I rushed through my workout because i had to meet up with the GF. Saturday I went in and worked my arms and sunday I did some abs. im taking today off and will be switching things up this week and working back tomorrow. Im going to start working out with some of the local bbers that are at my gym. Im hoping they can bring variety to my workouts and promote new growth.
They want me to compete this summer but I keep telling them i want to put more weight on so i can take the stage bigger. at 6'3'' I feel i need to be at 240-250 to avoid a long and lengthy look on stage. So what I am thinking is that I will continue to bulk for another year and make my bodybuidling debut next summer (2013) at a local event. That gives me time to run another bulk cycle this fall/winter and cutting cycle in the spring.