Pssshhh... that's nothing... come to LA fitness in missisuaga... I fuckin hate it there!!! When I ask my bf, which gym are we going (1 LA is about 15 and the other is 25) I always ask, brownville or, white people?! The one that's fifteen is little india, and it's terrible, and gross, and pathetic. I've nicknamed majority of them, and they crack me up... Most of them have chicken legs. And they fucking wear, those damn pants that go tight at the ankle... *smacks forehead*
Two old retards that only do arms and chest... One wears a lifting belt and flipflops (i wanna smack his old ass) the other one; I wanna punch for just looking like a fucking retard!!!
Then, another bozzo - Traps only... He only trains TRAPS!! I don't get it, I really don't...
Then, there are a couple (like 3 tops) who actually lift...
The other gym about 25mins away... Is a tad better, minus the oldder creeppers...
Then... There's my hometown gym in Niagara falls...
Oh fuck! It's probably time to switch gyms but, it's not far from my house and only gym that has proper spinning bikes...
I've nicknamed every mofo that comes in in the morning.. (When I work full time, I lift pre-shift)
So, three black guys.. one humble, very nice, married has a kid, nice guy... next to me, he's probably the only guy who actually trains legs... the other two... and i dont understand... they talk so loud, i hear them over my headphones, why? why do guys do that?
Then we got old man gene simmons... legit... does his hair like him, stash, and fucking wears mc hammer pants, and only trains shoulders and arms oh and chest...
then we got (i'm sorry) nigga-wop - this italian guy; whos probably early 30s... CHEST ONLLY..... and talks sooo loud... and when he walks in, he has to great everyone... UGGGHHHH!!!
Few boozzzoooo turd trainers... and some fucking air head bitches too... I won't go off on that... and a few powerlifters
One thing about powerlifters I don't understand is... can't they just do a tiny bit of cardio? I mean you lift all this heavy ass weight, yes... and you obviously need to eat but... doesn't the belly get in the way?
my little rant...
dont even get me started on some of the girls i see (PS... a bitch wore shorts so small, i am pretty sure i seen her lips)
Some things I don't understand, and never will... Maybe it's cause i'm a girl, or i observe farrrrr too much... I mean... When I'm back home at my gym... I can tell you what some people are gonna be trianing and their routine.... Is that bad?