So I think I hit a vein!


New member
Hey guys, So basically I inject my 1cc of Sustanon (sust) into my quad, and everything seems fine. I aspirated without any blood in the syringe, so I would assume im in muscle (plus im using a 1 inch pin) but when I pull the needle out blood shoots out of me like a fountain!! This is my second cycle and Im about 6 weeks deep, and this has NEVER happened before! Im hoping I simply hit a vein coming out. I know I should have more concern about my health, but my main issue is did I get all the test in my leg, or did it all shoot out with the blood? Ive never been in this situation so I do not know what to think! Any advice will help please!
Yeah, your fine man.. It's happened to me several times. Everything I've read is that is when you aspirated you didn't get any blood, then the gear is deeper in than the vein that's bleeding..
Thanks Dudes. I feel a lot better now. Greatly appreciated. So this does mean that the gear is still in me and that I should not worry about wasting a shot?
haha that happened to me before, except my friend was doing the shot for me, and in my glute. blood shot everywhere and he almost threw up. not gonna lie i was freaking out for a little bit.
Happened to me just last night... it happens...

Blood and gear don't seem to mix very well as when I've seen oil come out it was with a 5/8" long pin and the blood was beaded on top of the oil. I'd say that the source of the blood (the damaged vein) is going to be closer to the surface than the deposited oil and will probably hold the juice back to some extent. Get pressure on the "wound" as soon as the pin comes out (as you should with every shot) and you're not going to lose much if any.

Don't take what I say on that as gospel, it's just what my logic tells me.
You guys are too much, lol!

Same thing happened to my two weeks ago... the blood thing, not Georgia licking my thigh. You're fine. (OP is fine, Georgia is fucked.)