Some recent feedback on pinnacles new gear from new raws!


Community Veteran
Ok I have been on a few of the fast acting compounds to be able to gi ve feedback to pac-man. My training partners are also running pinnacle gear some orals and some short esters but also some long esters that will take a few more weeks to come back with a thumbs up or down on.

So far

Cialis- off the chain good, as good as the lilly version. You guys know I take my old man cocktail seriously and these have earned a permanent spot in that mix!

viagra- weak , underdosed or just plain crap . I talked to Pac-man and he immediately pulled it from the website! this was with pac mans own raws too before the siwtch to mao but props to pac-man for listening to me. If you have some pinnm viagra talk to them about switching for the cialis which is 100% GTG! I give my honest feedback for good or bad if a brand asks me for feedback they are going to get just that! and out in the open! Sorry viagra you fail!!

Test prop- beautiful, keep this exact recipe and raws! this is good stuff!! tempted to do my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with just prop here and there at 50mg x 3 per week!!

Anavar- my traning partner greg has been on for 9 days and already bitching about the pumps killing him in the gym! I am on it myself but due to my injurty I am out of the gym but i will be back in the gym full force at least for cardio and legs on Monday and can better report later.

D-bol holy water retention!! 1 week in my otjher partner Rob is like a water baloon, strength up and weight up 7 lbs in first week. good stiuff!!

NPP! best NPP anywhere! you will not find better a few shots is all it took to start to feel this stuff. My joints feel as if I am a kid again lol

More reviews to come as they come in!

I do not work for pinn and am no rep btw, I support several labs if you read my posts around this site. I will say iut clearly now though with these new raws the game is changing!! either change with it and improve quality other labs or watch your own sales drop!!
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Thanks for the review brother.. Any knots from the prop?

None at all on me but keep in mind my dosages are small at the moment and I also don't knot up easily from gear! he assure dme the prop was 100% at the dosage stated on the bottle, I warned them if they overdose the prop expect complaints!
I have a certain lady friend running that masteron and primo at the moment and she is loving it!!!
Damn I hope getting pinn gear shipped to canada works out for me!! seeing all these posts about their stuff is making me crave, literally!
Test prop- beautiful, keep this exact recipe and raws! this is good stuff!! tempted to do my testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with just prop here and there at 50mg x 3 per week!!
Good to hear the Prop is good, I have alot of it.

Damn I hope getting pinn gear shipped to canada works out for me!! seeing all these posts about their stuff is making me crave, literally!
Not trying to be an ass about this but I do not think that it will come Canadian customs are almost as bad as Australia, Canadian customers require manual transfer across the boarder.
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You might have noticed in my log zeek, but I added some of Pac-man's new prop to my cycle. Im adding it to what I am already taking for four weeks. I just wanted to see if I could really tell a difference and holy cow! This prop is the shit. I feel like I have to screw something the moment i pull the pin out of my quad. I added 200 mg eod to my test-e/deca/IGF cycle. I'm loving it! I probably already told you this, but when they were having the 20% off sale, I went ahead and re-bought my cycle so I could continue with all the new raws. I sold off all of my current stash to some local guys. Of course, they are still not disappointed by no means!

I am also happy to report that I have yet to experience any PIP. Keep in mind I shoot glutes and quads and I'm shooting 2cc's of prop,1.25cc's of test e, and 1 cc of deca!
Very excited about all the positive reports. I am putting my next cycle together right now with Pinn so I can't wait to start. The last ugl I used was so under dosed.
Damn I hope getting pinn gear shipped to canada works out for me!! seeing all these posts about their stuff is making me crave, literally!

I've been telling Pac-Man to stop messing with Canada and Australia for months now!! he won't listen!, fine don't listen to the old man but watch and see if the first pack that gets snagged and then you don't reship, lets see if the client truly understand at their own risk. I understand human nature and shipping to these places is going to bring you bad press for no reason, just sayin. People they might tell you they understand at their risk but in the end if someone loses $500 they still get sore doesn't matter if you told them upfront or not.

And for the canadian client ordering from Pinn, why even get involved in that mess man? you have some perfectly decent canadian UGL's that ship domestic to you! I don't see the need to risk losing your cash.

You might have noticed in my log zeek, but I added some of Pac-man's new prop to my cycle. Im adding it to what I am already taking for four weeks. I just wanted to see if I could really tell a difference and holy cow! This prop is the shit. I feel like I have to screw something the moment i pull the pin out of my quad. I added 200 mg eod to my test-e/deca/IGF cycle. I'm loving it! I probably already told you this, but when they were having the 20% off sale, I went ahead and re-bought my cycle so I could continue with all the new raws. I sold off all of my current stash to some local guys. Of course, they are still not disappointed by no means!

I am also happy to report that I have yet to experience any PIP. Keep in mind I shoot glutes and quads and I'm shooting 2cc's of prop,1.25cc's of test e, and 1 cc of deca!

Some might think it is hype or what not but truth it this new stuff is the bomb!!! Any skeptics just wait for mass feed back to start pouring in and you will see. If you think you can just use any old raws and get the same quality think again!! these guys are paying almost twice what everyone else pays for their raws and trust me it is worth every cent!
China_Wall I am almost certain some canadian UGL's are indeed using these raws, follow the feedback my friend!! that will point you to the one using the quality raws.
China_Wall I am almost certain some canadian UGL's are indeed using these raws, follow the feedback my friend!! that will point you to the one using the quality raws.

This Thread was HIDING on me!!!! Hmmmmmm, it appears that there is some confusion. But unless JB and Pacman have lied to me and my info is wrong. Pinn is not shipping to canada. I have been told that not ONE package has been dispatched to nor is there going to be.
The only canada customer, from what I know of, comes into the US to get it and then goes back. So I don't know what that talk is about. I'll get more info on this tomorrow.
I've been telling Pac-Man to stop messing with Canada and Australia for months now!! he won't listen!, fine don't listen to the old man but watch and see if the first pack that gets snagged and then you don't reship, lets see if the client truly understand at their own risk. I understand human nature and shipping to these places is going to bring you bad press for no reason, just sayin. People they might tell you they understand at their risk but in the end if someone loses $500 they still get sore doesn't matter if you told them upfront or not.

And for the canadian client ordering from Pinn, why even get involved in that mess man? you have some perfectly decent canadian UGL's that ship domestic to you! I don't see the need to risk losing your cash.

Some might think it is hype or what not but truth it this new stuff is the bomb!!! Any skeptics just wait for mass feed back to start pouring in and you will see. If you think you can just use any old raws and get the same quality think again!! these guys are paying almost twice what everyone else pays for their raws and trust me it is worth every cent!

You're right dude, like h3llsman said, manual crossing would be best, would work for me since I live like 5mins from Maine, and have a place I can get it shipped at. but I do still have some decent domestic connections.
Input on their IGF?

The IGF is generic but there is a bro on here that has a thread going that is on it and the response is good. But they only have a small amount of it and will not be adding any for a minute from what I understand.

EVERYTHING of theirs that I have used which is ALOT of shit has been SPOT ON!!!! FREAKING LOVED the NPP!!!!!