

New member
ok, last cycle, i've used spectriol. Did it in stack with deca and testo. Now, a too-late-question : under what category can it be seen?
Btw, great stuff, that i can tell!!!

Substance: (methandriol dipropionate, durabolin) 1 cc/amp

This drug is a new veterinarian steroid. The few athletes who have used this drug were pleased with what they saw; quality gains in strength and size. They said it worked like injectable Dianabol. It will not aromatise much and it is not very toxic to the liver. It should gain in popularity, but for now there are only a select few who have access to it.
thx! is it so hard to get? must be lucky then... if like dbol, it should be good in a stack with deca and testo, or not?
I personnaly doubt you've gained from spectriol since the fact that you mixed it with deca and test,..
98% of spectriol is fake today because it hasn't been manufactered by RWR for two years,..And even if it was the real stuff, gains would be poor because you'll have to shoot alot of it,..it is a waste of money,...you better stick with Nandrolone and Test,...