Starting, And Now


The 'Ology Man Whore
I know what people are thinking when they see the pics, i already heard it, but starting i believe i was 176(last i recalled), now 194. did a cycle on dbol now on a cycle of winstrol, in 5 weeks put on nearly 20lbs of solid muscle. will be posting some questions in a second. so please if ya could message on it, have some simple questions.
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arm is looking the same, a little more bloating on it from retention,

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start 176

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now 194
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Hey bro, you are "bigger" now, although I think you need to work on your foundation and development. (from a BB perspective.)

I think the easiest way to go about is like this;

-Have a solid understanding of training.

-Tailor your nutritional needs so they are in alignment with your goals. Ask ?'s
(set goals if necessary)

-Don't bother with oral only cycles. They
are ineffective. Test should be the base for almost every cycle. Then add others compounds.

-Always be willing to learn, stay humble.
Good luck man, hope this is helpful.
Hey bro, you are "bigger" now, although I think you need to work on your foundation and development. (from a BB perspective.)

I think the easiest way to go about is like this;

-Have a solid understanding of training.

-Tailor your nutritional needs so they are in alignment with your goals. Ask ?'s
(set goals if necessary)

-Don't bother with oral only cycles. They
are ineffective. Test should be the base for almost every cycle. Then add others compounds.

-Always be willing to learn, stay humble.
Good luck man, hope this is helpful.

oh no prob man. lol, im always willing to learn. these pics were from a dbol only cycle. 16lbs after cutting, now im a week in with Winstrol (winny) an i have 2lbs on. so 18lbs 5weeks. im running dbol in with my Winstrol (winny) for this 5th week into the 6th. then a hard cycle of Winstrol (winny). im running 20mg dbol with 50mg Winstrol (winny). im going to run on 100mg winny.
:sad: sadly ive been stuck with this body since highschool. the starting pic is how ive looked for years on end. i finally got fed up with it. had trainers, an coaches. no changes. just throwing that out there...
but i am now 6'0" 194.
I see a difference ...

its not much of a difference. but atleast some notice. neck is definitely noticable, in my opinion im filled out more evenly, a little size improvement. its work in progress. i wish i had better before, and now pics. still have to get my digital fixed. Damn pissy gf's on the rag
You are not stuck in your body.
Post your training routine and your diet
up.. I'm sure you just need to make adjustments.

Add some test with your winny.
(prop, if you can) It will make all
the difference. Oral only cycles will produce
a fraction of the results vs. an oral with test.
The term "hardgainer" is a word for - I don't know/or am not doing what I need to do to reach my goals.
There is a lot of good people/info on here.. ask around.
hope this is helpful bro.
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Have you ever seriously lifted weight before ?

no... i just do intense masturbation sessions.
YA i lift weights. and have since i was 14. this is litterally the same size and image i was through out all of it. and as i stated before, ive had trainers and ive had coaches. i worked with a trainer for little over a year, before i said fuck it an let him go, couldnt afford him anymore, let alone i was making the same gains as i was when i was working out by myself. THIS IS HOW ITS ALWAYS LOOKED. you can say whatever you want about how im not trying hard enough or whatever. but not every human has the same body structure or outline, that will allow them to become ungodly cut and ripped.
LOL dont take my humor too seriously also when i sometimes throw it out there. some people get it some dont. i have a wide humor range
Have you ever seriously lifted weight before ?

COOL! SHAVE your face and CLEAN your room! Your woman likes that shit? wtf..

HAHAHAHA ive been lazy lately. she can kiss my ass if she dont like it. i can get another one whenever. ALSO, for the beard hell no hahahaha, im growing out an amish beard for when i have to go to court. ALSO, im growing out everything after that, cause i want to be jesus for Halloween LOL, walking around the town carrying a cross hahahaha!
I see a difference definitely. Congrats. You still have a way to go though.

Since you've said you are a hard gainer you need to EAT. Your diet is what will make the difference here....not anabolics. Start upping your calorie big time.

If you're not confident with your diet post it up in the diet section and let us critique it.

You'll probably have trouble getting the extra calories but you will get used to it and make gains.