Steroid / Heart Growth


New member

I've "heard" alot about how steroids can make your heart grow if you do cardio.

From what I understand its only if you do excessive amounts of cardio and do it over many cycles.

Can someone please break it down for me for my knowledge.


I've "heard" alot about how steroids can make your heart grow if you do cardio.

From what I understand its only if you do excessive amounts of cardio and do it over many cycles.

Can someone please break it down for me for my knowledge.


Simple AAS use causes enlarged heart, cardio will help arrest enlarged heart while on AAS.
That's a lie man. The growth of internal organs comes from MASSIVE amounts of HGH from what I have read.
What you are talking about is called starling's law. This refers to the theory that the heart is the only muscle that works less efficient the bigger it gets.

Keep in mind the heart is nothing more than muscle. Steroids do increase muscle mass with the proper diet and vigorous training.

In short too much juice can make the juice pump not pump the juice anymore. :)

Keep in mind this is something that not everyone happens to get. With the proper rest time and pct the effects are limited. If I'm not mistake. This is what killed Andre the giant. His was derived from a pituitary disease that cause his body to secrete too much hgh and too much LH.

I could be wrong though. Feel free to fact check me. I like a good convo.
The problem is with the left ventrical due to the abundance of androgen receptors there.

The amount of cardio you do is completely insignificant compared to the amount of test you run. (Or other highly androgenic products.)

Increased prostate size is another problem, although less deadly.

All of this information is easily available on the internet, just google it.

That is why I disagree with every other person on this board about running high test all the time. I don't disagree that more test will make you bigger, I'm sure that more is better in terms of size. But in terms of not dying, more test is not better. Whenever a test-free cycle or low-test cycle is mentioned, everyone says, "Wait, your body NEEDS testosterone, it just ain't SAFE not to run any." Ha... not safe. I guess that's why they need 700 mg of test per week, to be safe. The people who have dropped dead because of roid-induced cardic hypertrophy had been using roids quite a while - 10 years or more if I recall correctly - but a lot of guys here have been using roids that long haven't they?

Sometimes folks will say you gotta take more test than Deca, otherwise you'll be limp. I say reduce the test and take some Dostinex for the Deca Dick.

If you're a competitive bodybuilder, you have no choice, you have to take grams per week, including lots of androgens. But if you're just trying to bulk up for football or look good at the beach, you have to decide if the risk is worth it. I don't know why more people don't know this and reduce their androgens and compensate by putting the anabolic side through the roof.

The following study says that the enlarged heart will return to normal size after you give up the juice. But unfortunately that's after "several years". I don't know about you, but I don't want to go "several years" completely roid-free.

Are the cardiac effects of anabolic steroid abuse in strength athletes reversible?

In the end, people who wanna run high test all the time are gonna do just that and will probably be much bigger than me and get better lookin women, so there ya go.
From what research I've done its HGH used with AAS that causes this issue. A larger heart also isn't always a bad thing from what I understand. Bikers and cross country runners have much larger hearts than normal people from their activities and are very healthy. But idk everything about that.
From what research I've done its HGH used with AAS that causes this issue. A larger heart also isn't always a bad thing from what I understand. Bikers and cross country runners have much larger hearts than normal people from their activities and are very healthy. But idk everything about that.

Enlarged hearts do run amongst runners and biciclist but theres a very big difference. Their hearts are enlarged becauae of aerobic exercise our enlarged heart comea from anaeorobic exercise. Aerobic exercise makes ur heart very efficient because it conjunction with yiur lungs the heart lumps a lot more blood with a lot more oxygen and really working less. The estrogen wich make our heart bigger because of AAS use is not an efficient heart. What ur doing is loosing the abiloty of the heart push oxygen rich blood because it did not develop in conjunction with lung capacity. This making our hearts inneficient and a liability after many years of AAS use.
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Would two light cycles per year be safe for most people who are worried about enlarged heart and prostate?

Most of the enlarged heart issues I have read about is all because of abuse. Yet whats abuse. A 6 week cycle an 12 or 18 week cycle. You have to see what your doing. You have to figure out on your own what abuse is to you and hat you are willing to risk to look like this. Remeber anything that ia put into your body is not natural its not there from the get and its a dance with the devil and when he is ready to cash in his chips yoi better be ready to pay. So make peace with your self and keep pining if you wish.

None smokers get lung cancer...go figure...wonder who cashed in their chips.
are you guys differentiating between enlarged heart and thicker heart walls? enlarged in terms of the cyclists and runners makes sense. Whereas AAS users would have thicker heart walls (muscle) which is a problem. I would think aas would make heart denser and hence ump more poorly whereas cardio might make the chambers bigger and the muscle itself leaner and more efficient. Seems logical to me, but I didn't do any reasearch ;)

I'm asking bc I have an ultrasound in a few weeks to see if my heart walls have thickened..
are you guys differentiating between enlarged heart and thicker heart walls? enlarged in terms of the cyclists and runners makes sense. Whereas AAS users would have thicker heart walls (muscle) which is a problem. I would think aas would make heart denser and hence ump more poorly whereas cardio might make the chambers bigger and the muscle itself leaner and more efficient. Seems logical to me, but I didn't do any reasearch ;)

I'm asking bc I have an ultrasound in a few weeks to see if my heart walls have thickened..

echocardiogram... had one last year... enlarged heart.
Would two light cycles per year be safe for most people who are worried about enlarged heart and prostate?

who knows, each person is different. know the possible consequences beforehand, research, take necessary precautions and deal with whatever happens.
who knows, each person is different. know the possible consequences beforehand, research, take necessary precautions and deal with whatever happens.

Hey Matty.. Wt are those precautions regarding this thing?

Btw, thnx for accepting my friendship request.
Hey Matty.. Wt are those precautions regarding this thing?

Btw, thnx for accepting my friendship request.

heart attack and high bp? cardio exercise, low sodium diet, less red meat, rich omega fats, low sat/trans fat, supplements, bp meds... there are a lot of things can be done to prevent the effects.
heart attack and high bp? cardio exercise, low sodium diet, less red meat, rich omega fats, low sat/trans fat, supplements, bp meds... there are a lot of things can be done to prevent the effects.

No bro.. Is there any precautions to prevent echocardiogram.. The heart inlargement ?
An echocardiogram (AKA an ecg) (also called an ekg for some reason) is a procedure to check your ol' ticker to see how its doin.

ecg and ekg are different procedures from echocardiogram. eck, ekg monitors qrs complex, pr and various heart function... echo is an actual ultrasound picture of the heart.