Steroids and male fertility...kinda surprising

twoman2000 said:
wow, i was hoping that test actually drops te sperm lvel cause i'm with different girls and i don't want anyone pregnant. I thought the stuff actually decreases sperm count, damn. Now i have to go back to condoms,well thanks for the warning, i'll let my ladies no the scoop and why a condom is needed now, and if they don't like it, then i'll bitch smack them. Oh by the way heres my pic of me in a competition show all natural, way bfore even thinking of toucing he stuff.

congrats to you ex and i had our son 2 years ago while i was on gear...funny thing, my doc told me before that , before i went on i had a low sperm either it raised my count or something, of those swimmers were jacked up...and needles to say, i dont know if there are medical facts to it, but my 2 year old is a big kid top 90% plus for his age group in size and weight etc....and congrats again...

Dude are you outta your mind.???Why would you be banging ten different broads without a rubber.???Enjoy your AIDS...Wise up man......
I have a son with an x girlfriend that she lets me see on occasion, it doesnt really feel like hes mine though as she disappeared with him for a few years. This time I get to be there the whole way through, and its with my soul mate, so it'll be a different experience entirely
twoman2000 said:
I thought the stuff actually decreases sperm count, damn

Sure it does, but that means NOTHING. Only one sperm needs to make it to the egg, even pre-ejaculatory 'lube' can be enough to get someone pregnant. No offense man but low sperm count doesn't gaurantee a non-pregnancy, use your head man :) the one on top of your shoulders.
bitch slapping= pimp slapping all the same just proving my point, dawg! Don't get offeneded unless your a bitch!
congrats needsize

i read somewhere that someone running gear has more of a chance on producing girls.

do not know if its true.

but i do have 2 girls and was on both times
twoman2000 said:
bitch slapping= pimp slapping all the same just proving my point, dawg! Don't get offeneded unless your a bitch!

You're the bitch, and if you keep talking like a bitch, I'm going to slap you like a bitch.
house1 said:
congrats needsize

i read somewhere that someone running gear has more of a chance on producing girls.

I hope that is true. If anyone has any more info about that, please post a link.
I dont believe this to be true as the amount of male and female encoded sperm are already predetermined as they are produced...I dont believe Testosterone or any other hormone would influence the genetic coding of sperm.... Some men can only have boys and some can have only girls and some can have both....there is a way to check it at a fertility clinic or thru your doctor as they take a sample and then check to see if it is one way or the other or both.....but once again I highly doubt the myth of "increased chances of a female child"

but best of luck in any event needsize :)
natty said:
I dont believe this to be true as the amount of male and female encoded sperm are already predetermined as they are produced...I dont believe Testosterone or any other hormone would influence the genetic coding of sperm....

I don't know whether test makes a difference but I remember reading that there IS a way to increase the probability of having either a girl or a boy. I don't remember what the technique involves, and in the article it said that the technique is only approved for "family balancing." That is, they will treat you if you already have 2+ children of one sex and want the opposite. They will NOT treat people if this is only your first or second child. Like I said, I don't know how it works, but if all that is needed are some fancy drugs, then I am sure that somebody on here can probably get his hands on some of that stuff. :)
Nevermind my previous post. I just did a search and found out that the technique I was referring to is called MicroSort which involves physically separating the male from the female sperm followed by artificial insemination with either kind of sperm.
I have heard that also, but only via posts and never any real studies... I would be afraid of raising a girl in todays world.
mudge, i have 2 girls bro. they are 3 and 9 years old.

i am 33 with more gray hair than i can count bro. not looking forward to the teen years when some young punk [as i was] comes knocking at my door.