stocking up before they are banned


New member
i know it depends on the person and the way ther body reacts to them but in terms of prohormones whats the best out there what delivers results and is it easy to get there going to bann these supplements soon so i wanna stock up before they do

im looking at halotest - 25 ?
RPN havoc
arimatest hexagen stack

any thoughts the halo test supposedly is the same as the old halodrol 50 just a half dose hence the 25 and the reason its still on the market making meanning each dose is less hormonal
I'm unaware of how legitiment the site sponsor for PH's is, or whether or not they all aren't the same thing with different names and prices.....but DPR stated they wouldn't be here if they were bogus, so I'd look into that...
Need to build muscle had real good ph's but they are discontinued dam.but they still have other great products.and you can't beat the customer services.