Storing Gear in garage, is this ok?


New member
So, I have been storing all my gear in my garage, live in south florida and I bet it reaches 100 in there tops durring the day. Some of my gear is 4-12 months old and I want to be sure it doesnt break down over time. I have read a lot of conflicting stories about storing it and have what I need, but double checking that I dont need to get new gear.
Any help is appreciated.
it all depends on the level of heat and exposure it got and It would take extreme heat for prolonged periods of time to seriously degrade your gear. If sitting in a garage, which doesn't get too hot, probably not over 100 degrees F, wouldn't cause any or significant problems. its best to get a lockbox and wrapped it in towels and store it like that as that will keep the temp down inside where the gear is.
Mine is is a laptop case where I keep it hidden from ex fiance and 9 yr old. I figured its oil, when it crashes you boil it, so I was hoping that 100 degree storage wouldnt have any affect,

Thanks for the response.
I am not hiding from anyone, my wife -ex who I spend time with , she knows of course after 33 years and watching me compete and get the mail with gear...Ha

So I keep mine in a fire proof safe in a box. I house is A/c and kept at 72 %.

I have used 4 year old gear kept in a drawer at room temp and it was g2g. Still as potent as it was. It was pharmaceutical Depot.

Listen oral liquid steroids will NOT last that long and should not be kept in 100 degrees. Even though we heat it when it starts to crystalize to bring it back after a short spell.
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