Sustanon 250 + need AI help.


New member
Originally in other post.
Could anyone help me,i did my first sustanon 250 shot kind a childish,im good with diet and training but I got little too excited and hurry up about injecting.Im kind a feeling sustanon causing mood swings and i read it might be because of 4 diff ester playing games each,to OP or whoever,i dont want to create new thread so ill ask here,do you think it would be better lets say do test e alone or will be pretty much same as sustanon250? I will do shoot once a week for like 10 weeks,Im not aiming for killer cycle,just something little to help with muscle while im on loads of food and proteins,dont want to stress hearth either cus i will be doing much muay thai after when I feel like coming back.I will add AI after my second shot.
26 old
198 lbs now,was bulking on food crazy for about 6month+,gained about 40 lbs,now going for leaness,i dropped about 10lbs but im much leaner tho/fat/dropped weight ratio im doing ok.
Im on small dose of ssri either so no deca or dianabol or whatever mixing.

I need help with AI either,have anyone ever taken :
Not to be an ass,but Arimidex is too expensive for me,one pack goes for 140 euro thats insane,I buy sustanon original from pharmacy organon and it cost 8euro,my whole cycle cost almost double less than pack of AI which i barely need to take eod,for who want to say 250/week is not worth the price?on the price picky having hard time getting sleep,cant sleep because of increase heart rate/astrogens/whatever.Im not sure yet,blood test tomorrow and I will post what i got!But would be good to find Ai today.
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250mgs a week basically replaces your natty test levels. Not sure why you are going thru the hassle for that. Sustanon as you say has 4 esters in it. Not sure why your only pinning it once a week. You won't find sympathy for how much gear and ancillaries cost here. We all know. It's an expensive endeavor. If you can't afford what is needed, then simply don't do it. You wouldn't go buy half of a brand new car because that's all you can afford, would you? It would be pointless and if you did try to use it, you might get seriously hurt! Anything sinking in yet? Read this link...