Taefighter journal (making a comeback)


New member
So a little background about myself. I was active as a child playing soccer, swim team, football. My family are all large (overweight) people and runs in the genes.

I'm 41 divorced after 20 years of marriage (dating a 25 year old now)
225 lbs
Ran Dianabol for a week in July 2013 (girlfriend flushed it down toilet)
3rd cycle of testosterone only.

I am running test cyp and on third week (1cc on monday and thursday) and winstrol. I just recently added winstrol (12 days) not running any Aromatase inhibitor (AI) right now. will run standard clomid/Nolva post cycle therapy (pct).

2 cycles of riptropin HGH (loved it and looking for more at a good price)
Very active worked out for years

Olympic style Taekwondo 8 yeas (Bronze at the 2010 US OPEN IN VEGAS and Gold at the 2011 US OPEN)
Crossfit for 2 years 2011-2013 (stopped due to shoulder)
Been out of the gym for 7 months and just starting back
Diet is not in idea...try to eat decent.

Will keep my workout, diet, supplements, aas usage up to date (best I can)

Will try to add some pics today. I took one last Sunday and yesterday (8-18-2013)

Any and all advise is welcome!!!
Didn't do much yesterday. Lower back was absolutely killed me. Had to take muscle relaxers. Did manage to get an 20 minute ab class in and ran a mile. Hope today I can lift.
Took my 50mg of winstrol and 1cc test in left glute. Still get nervous shooting in my butt. My girl did it once and has I huge mass missing in her ass. Like my delts but she can always tell when I took my shot (anti-steroid girlfriend)
Trying to reply to thread from iPhone 4S and can only do quick reply. i am wanting to add picture.
I'm 20 days on winstrol and test cyp.