Taking a Week off from Training...

I would definately say a break of some sort is required after lifting heavy for a 2-3 months....but if you are just going to stay in shape and not really grow at all..then I wouldn't worry about it....you may also want to try like a 2 on 1 off....this worked great for me when I did it ....I did it for about 3 months and grew a lot....but just my .02
I just came back this week after a week off.

Legs were notably weaker, but then again I'd skipped leg day the previous week before the break as well.

Chest/shoulders/tris were slightly weaker... but I came back on back day and was actually stronger.

Wonder if that tells anything.
Usually what I do is every couple months is to start missing one workout day a week like this; 1st week skip leg day and do the rest of the weeks workout, 2nd week skip chest and do the rest of the weeks workout, 3rd week skip back and do rest of the weeks workout.....etc.

I just can't bring myself to missing a whole weeks workout at once, and I find this way works great for me.

Interesting concept