
i got tased once by the police about two years ago. it started when i messaged this girl in a chatroom, things got sexual and she invited me over one night when her parents werent home. i swear she told me she was 18, but i guess she was only 12 or something. it was a trap setup by some tv show and i got nervous when the police met me at the door. luckily my lawyer got the charge dropped to disorderly conduct.

i got tased once by the police about two years ago. it started when i messaged this girl in a chatroom, things got sexual and she invited me over one night when her parents werent home. i swear she told me she was 18, but i guess she was only 12 or something. it was a trap setup by some tv show and i got nervous when the police met me at the door. luckily my lawyer got the charge dropped to disorderly conduct.

I was wondering how your run-in with the law went. Good thing you had a good lawyer. :hahano:
i got tased once by the police about two years ago. it started when i messaged this girl in a chatroom, things got sexual and she invited me over one night when her parents werent home. i swear she told me she was 18, but i guess she was only 12 or something. it was a trap setup by some tv show and i got nervous when the police met me at the door. luckily my lawyer got the charge dropped to disorderly conduct.

Oh that's funny shit!!! :blue:
I was maced in the face from chasing down one of the bad guys last year. :axe:

At first it wasn't bad but burned pretty bad after a few minutes.

Never been tasered though - I'll pass on that!!!:rolleyes2
i got tased once by the police about two years ago. it started when i messaged this girl in a chatroom, things got sexual and she invited me over one night when her parents werent home. i swear she told me she was 18, but i guess she was only 12 or something. it was a trap setup by some tv show and i got nervous when the police met me at the door. luckily my lawyer got the charge dropped to disorderly conduct.

One of these days those "to catch a predator" guys are going to have a dude packing a gun show up, and when he gets the drift that show will have one helluva finally:Pokeowned
My friend bought one of the hand held tasers and we tasered each other he had a video of it on his myspace.
Smelled like durnt flesh, didn't hurt just couldn't control yourself.