Tbol only Cycle, is it worth it???


New member
decided to run this cycle through my boys here at the forum, before i actually put a stamp of approval on it. my friend wants to run his 1st cycle and doesnt like the idea of needles! as i strongly suggested, if u run an oral u have to include sum test, but only an answer of NO would come out. so ive written out the follwing stack:

Tbol wk 1-3 60mg ED
Tbol wk 4-10 80mg ED
Nolvadex (tamoxadex)
40/20/20/10 ( start PCT the day after last oral is taken )


age- 26
height- 5'9
weight- 165
bodyfat%- ??? very lean

any feedback, good or bad would b great. thanx guys...
If male, you cannot run an oral only cycle. It shuts down natural testosterone production; but you aren't putting any testosterone back in. This makes one Hypogonadal -- which is not good.
Listen to Megatrone...

If it's a male, tell him it's a no to any cycle without test... he will do more harm than good
and it's simply not worth it.
This is even WORSE than a dbol only cycle lol. If needles are out, so is AAS. That's just how it is; unless he suddenly sprouts a va jay jay, with a matching HPGA of a female. :p