Test and prop cut/strength log

TNE just stands for test no ester. Neither suspension nor test base have an ester so they both qualify. I have a source for suspension but would love to find one for test base. If i'm not mistaken the suspension was pretty expensive compared to prop or the other estered forms of test. I'd love to have it to kickstart a cycle as well as utilize it pre-workout but i would still use the prop.
Thanks dude :) trying

MP 235x4
DB inc 140x9
CG inc 295x10
Flat 355x7

Very slight joint achiness on the overheads... really nothing to be concerned about but figured I'd mention it.

Solid, slow gains in strength. Ironically, despite this, sometimes I'll be disappointed that I'll 'only' increase one rep per workout as opposed to two or more. Impatient, I know, but this realization is making me reconsider my idea that I should just cut the cycle short as opposed to up the tren dosage if my gains plateau (something which isn't really yet in sight, FWIW). But I mean, I'll only get so many runs, might as well make the most of em, right? Either way I'm mostly happy with the way things have gone so far.

I feel like I may be noticing accelerated body hair growth... I feel like I've been needing to trim a lot more frequently than I usually do. Oh well.
Interesting regarding the body hair growth, I had that same exact thought yesterday. I trimmed up mid-week and already need another one. My hair grows fast but i don't recall it growing at this rate. And you know I want you to see the cycle through, especially if you only have 1-2 more left in you. By the way, I will try and convince you otherwise as we move forward.

Have you felt anything with the addition of the peptides?
Lol I know you will, you are an awful influence on me. Taking advantage of a young impressionable youth, shame on you...

And its really tough to say whether I've felt a difference from the peps because I added them in at the same time as the tren. My strength has definitely increased since, but its impossible to determine each's individual effects. All I know is, they augment my natural growth hormone production, and I'm extremely comfortable with the source I chose, so whether I can determine it or not, I do believe it will be an asset in the longer term.
Nice, pm me the source. I'd like to check them out. And explain to me about the generic pharmaceuticals. I checked out some web sites and they still require a script from your primary physician. What's the work-around with that? I highly doubt my Dr. would prescribe me clomid or finasteride or any other ancillaries.
^ Clean your box :)

Took me a bunch of attempts, but finally worked my way to 545x2 today. I would like to stick with this weight for a while and become more proficient with it before increasing the weight... we'll see if my ego allows this.
DB incline: 135x6 (I increased the bench angle today, so this is a PR at this particular angle)
CG incline: 305x9
Flat: 355x8, 225x38

Closing in on my goals of 3 plates for reps on incline, 365 for reps on flat, and 225 for 40 :) Tren continues to work its magic... with the rate of these strength gains it makes me almost worry that I won't be able to maintain these lifts off cycle... but I think I can. Very bloated though, my weight ranges anywhere from 200-215 nowadays depending on what I've eaten, how much I've drank, etc... that being said I can tell that I've put on a lot of muscle in select areas, so I'm very interested in seeing how I look after post cycle therapy (pct) and this water shit drops
This is impressive brother, some pretty epic shit! You're like a neat science project at this point. Do you prefer the close grip on the incline and how close are we talking? 355x8 and 225x38? You're making me feel like a bitch.
Chill dude, we started with the same squat but you hit 545 for a handful a month before I could even unrack it! If you hadn't gotten injured you'd be at 6 plates by now I'm sure.

Close grip for me is as close as I can go to allow full ROM and not cause joint paint, which seems to vary depending on how big I am (i.e. the bigger I get, the less close I can go). Generally, nowadays its about an inch in on the knurling from the middle of the bar. I personally prefer close grip because it works my bench lockout/tris better, and also my upper chest more (ok, so I have some aesthetic goals too, sue me!)

Ever do neutral grip incline with a football bar? Those shits are IMPOSSIBLE.
That would be very interesting, never messed with a football bar before. I can see how it would suck with incline but I imagine it would be doable on a flat bench.
545 for a messy 3 on squats... if you can even call em that haha

3 full weeks have passed since I first started pinning tren, so this marks the halfway point. Fun ride, definitely beats the hell outta plain ole test!! I'm toying with the idea of upping the dose if my lifts plateau as I've said, but we'll see.

Starting to notice major body changes. I mean, my entire body is more muscular, but you especially notice it in my tris, back, and hips... shoulders to a lesser extent too. I can tell I'm leaner, but its a shame I'm so bloated because I cant really appreciate it... I'd like to see how my abs look, because I'm sure they've grown a lot too.

Oh, and the vascularity... is crazy. Anavar (var) gave me some crazy veins, but the tren has definitely added to it. My shoulders look like they have tapeworm! I wonder if the vascularity will remain post-cycle...

Also just started dosing my UGL Aromasin at 25 mg ED. And prami at .5mg ED, just for the hell of it. Penis, don't fail me now!
Your gonna have to post a couple poses for a better before/after.

Check post 62 and 80 :)

I would like to post a couple updated pictures any one of these days, but I'd like to lose some bloat first haha... I want these new pics to do this newfound vascularity justice.

And of course, after PCT, to see what I've retained and what I've dropped.
Ahhh it was #62. Going to run tren in my next competition. Interested in hearing/seeing what I can expect. Great log.
So, that depends on the day. I have a three day split that I repeat over and over and over, based on a carb cycling template I've been running for 2 years now.

Day A - high carb day - 3060 calories, no cardio
Day B - med/low carb day - 2300 calories, 740 calories on cardio (so 1560 net)
Day C - low carb day - 2100 calories, 840 calories on cardio (so 1260 net)

Averaging out to about 1960/day (including calories burned from cardio), which is 250 below maintenance for me.
Nice, my Maint is 2850. I was trying to figure out what to set them at for a lean cycle. Maybe just maintenance. Or maybe 2500 and work up to 3000 at the end. I dunno.
It took me a long time to establish my maintenance value. There was a point in my life where I was severely overweight... over the course of 16 months I lost 100 some pounds, but that experience was very valuable in the sense that it helped me find my maintenance value, which has been the cornerstone of all my dieting since. I personally define maintenance as a value at which progress (whether weight loss or weight gain) plateaus... I stay away from the online calculators.

That being said, my maintenance value is always changing (obviously).

My diet rule of thumb for diet always revolves a base maintenance value... then add 250 cals for a lean bulk, or subtract 250 for a gradual cut. Point of plateau becomes the new benchmark, etc etc. That's my personal advice.