Just wanted to post some updated thoughts on the injury.
I had an ultrasound yesterday which was somewhat indeterminate, which either means A) the injury isn't that bad or B) it was just an ineffective test. I've been doing some research, and I believe my injury is either a grade I or grade II strain (or blurring the line between the two)... either of which require no surgery and take anywhere from 1 week to a handful of weeks to heal (its self-treatable, too). I'm leaning towards grade I, since my ROM is not limited and neither is my strength... its just very uncomfortable is all. Also I have no bruising and felt no "pop" sensation that is indicative of a more fuller tear. I've torn my hammy deadlifting before, so I def know what that pop feels like. Ironically I still feel a somewhat unnatural stretch in my hammy to this day, so hopefully this pec strain isnt something I'll be dealing with for a while even after it goes away.
The lump that I spoke of earlier I believe may just be an inflammation of a feature of my chest which I have on my other side too... in other words, just an exaggerated version of something I already had. I'm very bloated today (ate shitty yesterday) so the inflammation is worse than yesterday, but the bump IMO is not as protrusive. The cut I had across my chest (see earlier pictures I posted) is significantly decreased on the right side (the injured side), but it was always less to be fair, and I'm sure the inflammation just adds to that, so it may not be as deformed as I thought.
Probably in my best interest to take some time off regardless, but that may not be the worst thing in the world. I'll try some overheads just to see if I can handle em, but thats it. Otherwise I want to use this time to prioritize other lifts.
Most importantly, I always talked earlier in my log about how I wanted to experiment with training EOD as opposed to E3D... so I might use this as an opportunity to train my squats EOD at least till the injury heals 
Other than that, I'll do alotta abs, calves, and see how much back and trap work I can get by with. I may also use this as an opportunity to increase cardio/cut more aggressively... we shall see.
Hopefully I still get a week or two left of bench this cycle though, since I had planned on taking an extensive break from benching after the cycle ANYWAY... lol talk about a minute to soon huh
Either way, I want to spend my day tomorrow researching peptide rehabilitation protocol to prepare for upcoming scenarios. Depending on what the doc says Monday, there are any numbers of things I have in mind, but if its something like a grade I,
I will probably just temporarily increase dose frequency of my peps up to 6x/day... I think this will elevate IGF high enough to give me a tad boost in recovery. Might experiment with spot injections. If the condition is worse I'll have to look into other stuff like exogenous IGF and shit...
The injury is also making me re-evaluate my form. I bench like a bodybuilder (flat back, elbows flared, etc) and this puts my pecs/delts under more duress than a powerlifting type bench. I'm toying with the idea of switching to a PLing style bench for safety sake, but I'm not sure it will be as sports specific. Hm...
Anyway, I have a tendency to ramble alot on this log. It's cathartic for me, and I get relief out of writing shit in here... I guess like a diary would be. So I just wanted to post these thoughts