Test Cyp 16 weeks, maybe 20 ;-)

18th injection, end of week 9

Starting to feel a little better. I have been sick for about a week now.
On Tuesday I went to the gym, felt okay, so I thought and start DL. I got through 3 warm-ups and that was it. My chest was so full of shit I couldn't stop coughing, it was bad. Id thought I take a break and hit it again, no deal. I was so drained and tired just from three dl sets I had to go home. I am feeling better today, still coughing up a bunch of green mucus and crap. I will give it the weekend and get ready for a crazy lift week next week.

Over all feeling good. I have not gained any weight in about a week or two, I think it’s because I am not eating as much as I should be and I upped my cardio. Looking better than ever though. Not sure why my appetite is gone, but I hope it comes back soon...

20th injection
175mg test cyp

I know it has been a while since my last post. Just getting lazy I guess. Here is what it is looking like so far, 10 weeks in:

Bench: 5 warm ups, ME 3X245. I can't break this 245lbs mark and it's pissing me off.
DL: Warming up to ME 5X250 with one in the tank.
Squat: Warming up to ME 5X265 with one in the tank.

This was as of this week. Overall feeling good. I am ten weeks in and I think I look and feel the best now. In the beginning and prior weeks, I wonder if it was more placebo but now I really feel strong. About 6 more weeks to go. Then PCT.

I have been using Sustain Alpha from PP. Just finished my second week:
5 pumps, 5 days on
2 days off.
Even though my libido is through the roof because of the test, I noticed and increase after the first week of Sustain Alpha. I hope this will help make a better transition into PCT.

Any help on the chest day plateau would be great. I am thinking about changing up my lift routine for the next 6 weeks and through post cycle therapy (pct). Mikea or Dlove, or Milk, any suggestions?

´´I can't break this 245lbs mark and it's pissing me off.´´

´´I am thinking about changing up my lift routine for the next 6 weeks and through post cycle therapy (pct). ´´

This is the simplest reason why people stop progressing, stick with it, tha maqic wont happen overnigth.

Now what did i say to do when you hit a plateu? Thats rigth i have said it numerous times, start fucking cruising, drop 10% of maxes and start over. Asses your weaknesses and think whether you should start your next blast with a new me exercise like military press.
mikea, i know you are right and before I lifted today I actually went back and started reading my lift log from day one. I ended up cruising today but I was hesitant because I cruised two weeks ago. Now, this is where I would like some feed back:

Today I think I injured my shoulder

I was warming up to my ME set, and since I was cruising that would have been about 215-220lbs.
I went for my ME set and on the 2nd rep I heard something like the noise of paper ripping. Oh and I had head phones on listening to music. I swear I heard something like that.
I stopped what I was doing and started to move my are around and tried to loosen up the shoulder but I was hit with instant pain from the right side of my neck down to my finger tips. I left the gym to get home and ice the shoulder. About 10 minutes after the injury, my shoulder are started to burn deep around the rotator. It actually felt like it was getting hot, very uncomfortable. I have been icing it on and off for the last hour. It is feeling better but it is painful to make the motion of a lateral raise. It is just painful to move it around.

I am coming up on my 11th week of test cyp, 5 more weeks to go. As of now, I feel any type of shoulder movement will have to be on hold for a while. I will continue this cycle out and do exercises that obviously will not be painful to my shoulder.

Any input or words of wisdom would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks guys...
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This is time when you really need the Capzasin stick Fug. It works like a charm bro believe it!

Sounds like a torn rotator cuff but I could be wrong. You don't wanna fuck with that. ?Maybe just hit some squats and ab work etc.. for a while. Stay clear of presses or pulls man it might really lead to some bad shit.
THAT SUCKS MAN:( Just take it easy dont fuck with it, lay off pressing for now. I have also injured both of my rotators and the only way i can press now is pl syle for everything, that means elbows tucked in to the sides and only flaring out when at lock out. Try this when your ready to press again, keep icing, try 3times a day if you can, and Dough boy seems to recomend capazin a lot, i would go with hes advice on that!

For cruising do exercises that you normally woulndt in your blast to keep things fresh, dont worry about weigth, just do 10-15reps with a good number of reps in tank.

For now tho seeing as pressing is a no no, try to do so isolated tri exercises, see if you can pull or not, i have always been able too when probs with shoulder.

I would also get a good anti imflamantory pill, like naproxen or similar.
Hey guys thanks. I woke up this morning in pain and limited movement. Not fun guys, I know it's gonna be a while till I get back to any pressing movements. Is this something I should go to the doc's for? I just dont want to let it go if it requires medical attention.

and Dough boy seems to recomend capazin a lot, i would go with hes advice on that!

Doughboy. You have watched ice cube to many times in Friday haven't you. I love that nickname actually. Lets see if Milk can change my name.

Looks like everybody except the old man(lean) is all jacked up. Mikes hand which he still hasn't told me about. I heard he was in a UFC fight, lol.

Sorry to hear about the troubles Fug. This stuff can really get you down I know. I used to get injured a lot lifting BB style. Dont let it get you down you will be up and runnin in no time. Go get an x-ray to be safe. Maybe an ice bath and go lay out on the beach and let the sun warm it up. Dont know how much that will help but it sounds nice.
21st injection
Will hit the gym tomorrow but I will take it easy and do legs/abs/bi's because of the right shoulder. It is still sore and painfull on the back part of the shoulder...
23rd injection 175mg test cyp

Still feeling good. Starting to feel an increase in strength and size now that I increased mg per week. I have a few more weeks to go and pct.

Question: Since I am now on 350mg ew, how long do I need to wait till I start the Clomid? Three weeks?

I am feeling so horny it is crazy. My libido is through the roof!!!(Sorry wifey)

Other than that, I feel like this was a good cycle, but I'm not done yet. I already have what I need for the next one...

So far I am up about 14lbs and I do not believe much is water. Aromasin had been working good for me to keep the water down.


24 injection, almost done, just a few weeks left then post cycle therapy (pct). Overall pretty happy with this cycle. Starting to slow down on size and strength gain. Out of the gate I was gaining like crazy though.

Iknow it has been a long fuckin time since the last post but I'm back. I have been vacationing for the last few weeks and it was nice. Family has a place up in Tahoe and I became one with nature, lol. It was a fuck fest witht he wife and I, not bad.

Today is the second week after my last Test Cyp shot. I am starting 50mg clomid ed for a couple weeks.

??? Why do I already feel recovered?

I have been using Sustain Alpha for a while now and let me tell ya, that shit makes me crazy horney. Libido through the roof...

I will still run the clomid though.

I def feel lighter than I did. My highest weight was 255, about 15lbs more from when I started. Now I am about 248, still 8lb gain, I'm happy concidering I only ran 250mg ew.

I injured my shoulder a while ago and I stopped lifting upper body for the last 2 weeks of the cycle. I am just getting back now, first week hitting upper body and HOLY CRAP has my strength gone down. I expected it but DAMN!

Injuries suck for sure.

I am now running post cycle therapy (pct) as well as lifting and lots of cardio. I want to get rid of this extra fat around the belly. Using Primordial Performance Fat Loss Cycle, DermaTherm Target cream, CLA, tea... I also put together a ECA stack which I might go with later. I got a Cabo trip planned in a few months and want to look tight.

Peace out
Sup jet setter?

Tahoe is beautiful dude can't wait to go back and Cabo should be awsome ill be trying to tighten up for my honeymoon there sometime soon. I am way overdue for a vacation.

You know I always feel recovered after only two weeks and not to get gross or anything but Clomid hasd me blowing like Peter freakin North! Im glad you liked the sustain alpha maybe ill give it a whirl sinc im only running 250EW myself.

Anxious to hear if you still feel recovered after the 4 weeks are up. Are you gonna run the clomid 4 weeks? It's a good idea to.

For your ECA stack I always see amazing results with a baby asprin 20 Ephedrine and an iced espresso. Maybe Primordials designer products will work too. they seem to be the talk around town.

Sounds like you have a similar build than me but im back up to high 270's. Cardio that seems to work best comes outside not in the gym. Just shit like you can do with the wifey like biking out there in the Cali. sun or Surfing is kick ass, used to melt fat off me when I lived in Huntington beach. basketball is good but watch the knees, you get the idea. Maybe some are different but im giving up on the cardio machines found in the gym except occasional elliptical thats nice. Hope the shoulder heals up dude.
Whad up D? Is that your lady in your avi? Nica brotha...

So ytou think I should go the whole 4 weeks with the clomid? Okay, done.
Would be nice to see some Peter North loads, hope the wifey dont mind...

I am just starting to get back in the swing of things in regards to my pressing and pulling lifts. I really did a number on the shoulder. Nothing torn, but badly strained non the less.

I felt so good and big on test, I wish I didn't have to wait so long to start again. Oh well, I'll work on cutting fat and gear it up for the winter.

ECA, I will give it a go if Primordials doesn't do the trick. I got the ephedra from Bronkaid, otc. 25mg. the rest I have at the house. I hear crazy shit from eca.
Yea thats her man, shes under a 40ft waterfall here in MD called Swallow Falls.

Definitely 4 weeks with Clomid. I only had 3 last time and didn't recover worth shit.

I hear ya on ECA. I only liked it before the gym and befrtoe cardio on off days. The ephedra can make you clamy and shaky like Crack, lol. I don't smoke crack BTW, lol.

If you keep your Cal's and protein intake higher off cycle than on you should hold onto more muscle. Dieting after a cycle is a big no-no try not to do it you will lose a lot of muscle gained.
Oh yeah what I do now is baby asprin and caffeine becaus eof the synergistic effect it has and I get a lmost the same results less the ephedra kinda weird.
I hear ya on the post cycle diet. I do not plan on dieting, just not eating like shit. Still lots of protien and food, shakes. We'll see. 4 weeks of clomid as well, sounds good.
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Had a great workout today. Started taking Animal Pump pre workout and I had a great one. Felt great, hit my back hard and got a good pump as well as my bi's. Had good energy throughout the workout. I am looking forward to the next couple of weeks, I should start to feel the test soon. 125mg tomorrow. Friday legs. Will start clen at 120mg on Monday and go 2 wk/on 2wk/off throughout the cycle.

Does anyone think taking Animal Pump pre workout and clen would be okay?


I don't think there is any need of pre workout stuff on test,I never got pumps with pre-w while I was on test...for me there is no better pw than it...lol...unable to take bath also properly after my fiber splitting arms workout.lol