Yo Dlove, i was actually trying to get a rise from you

It seems it cant be done lol...
For raw lifters training partials can be done, but its risky and so damn hard, and imho not the best way for RAW LIFTERS that is, training partials for assisted lifting seems to work great, but for the life of me i can understand who would want to lift in a way that a fabric gives out 150+pounds, but each to theyre own.
Yes i do like the two week rotation a lot, and that was what i wanted people to do when i laid out my program but it seems i didnt make it clear enough, i myself do that also and sometimes change weekly. Just keep doing exercises that use a full rom for 90% of the time and keep a log. By exceeding normal rom i ment something like deadlifting standing on a block, i guess i didnt read what you was saying all that well
I think the stalling part can be reduced by not working to failure and working small increment pr´s every week, do not get overzelous because in the longer run the best results will come in time and smal increments.
When the base is there and you have some solid weigth you can lift, then you should imho start thinking about exercise selection, for you Dlove for example, it seems that your bench is suffering from lack of tricep strength, where the chest seems to have no probs(like 90% the rest of us benching), so what i would do is start doing cycles that concentrate on that, so that would mean choosing me exercises like closegrip bp dec/flat/inc and military press, and pair that of with solid assistance stuff like jm presses, french dips etc...
I think 1rep maxes(well what are your goals?) dont do that much but serve as benchmarks if what your doing is working, for development i like 3/4/5rep maxes a lot better.
The original plan i put out is best served as a ruff outline as far as cruising goes, i would cruise when you really hit a plateu, but be honest to yourself and do it sooner rather then later.
Fuck all this is hard to explain by writing, im sorry if its all too confusing