Test Cyp/Enanthate Half life.


New member
Probably far fetched, but has anyone compared T levels 1 day after injection vs say 10? By the book, a day after a shot levels should be HIGH than around day 3-5 level out (my Dr. Checks levels 5 days after injection) and should be back to baseline after 10?

Does this sound about rite?
Based on how I've felt and gyno symptoms I peak on test cyp about 2 days after sub-q injection.

I inject TRT dosage every 3.5 days. Monday morning and Thursday night.

The only thing I've I injected and felt day 1 was HCG and that's about 8-12 hours after injection.
The half-life is just what it sounds like.

In a 5 day half-life, you’ll have exactly half of the exogenous compound from that injection remaining, and half of that in another 5 days, and so on.

So there will also be a compounding effect over time, and you’ll reach a higher level after a bit, but then should sustain that amount. When you stop, it will take a little while to go back to baseline, or whatever you make endogenously.

Google steroid calc, and you can make a graph and see what it looks like.