Test/Deca cycle new member

Surprisingly had a great leg workout, hit some squat prs. Very happy with the strength I've gained in my legs they have always lagged so far behind but are close to catching up. Started the dbol at 30mg/day today, will run it that dose for 1 week then depending how that goes up it to 40. Felt like some kinda drug addict chopping those lil fuckers up into 1/2s and 1/4s in a Pyrex pan lmao.
I was gonna up it to .5 eod from .3, roush suggested not upping it even lowering it. I'm going to keep it at .3 this week and see how that goes...
I was gonna up it to .5 eod from .3, roush suggested not upping it even lowering it. I'm going to keep it at .3 this week and see how that goes...

I should clarify , the recommendation was only for the purpose of purposely raising estrogen (old school powerlifter way*) to help with a bit of strength and weight gain.

* run some Dbol , get a bit of estrogen spike and bloat , and the strength and weight will go up . but keep serms on hand

this is not recommended if you were only focused on your physique , and not the strength and the weight scale :)
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247 lbs. Updated profile pic upper body is getting fuller, bigger without putting a lot of fat on, good shit. Yesterday had a great shoulder workout, people looking at me like wtf when I grab those 95lb dumbells for shoulder press till I fuckin handle that shit, lol. Back to work today, damnit, still sick but can't afford another day off, at least it's Friday. Either take a day off today from the gym or hit chest and abs, we'll see how the workday goes. Day 3 at 30mg dbol. Don't really feel anything from it, maybe too soon, maybe dose is too low, maybe cause I'm sick idk, Monday I'll up it to 40. Have a great day brothers
247.5 lbs. Hit incline bench/flat dumbell press/incline db flys/machine Flys for chest yesterday. Been pushing real hard on my incline bench and it's paying off. I actually almost enjoy incline bench now lol. 1/2 way through my shoulders were on fire from heavy shoulder day the day prior so lots of stretching between sets. Today will be biceps/legs/abs (maybe lol). Last time I tried hitting abs at the end of my workout I got an insane stomach cramp had to jump up and stretch my abs to get it to stop it felt like a creature was in my stomach like the scene at the end of space balls in the diner lol. Or maybe it was the deca demon.... lmao jk. Prob just dehydration I sweat like a mofo up in there. If my shirt isn't 80% wet when I leave I didn't push hard enough.
I'm just bored lol

I'm ready to go , but me an 9er decided to make up , and then team up and pick on other guys only. you know kinda like in middle school and two bullies decide to team up and work together to intimidate the other kids even more to make taking their lunch money that much easier ;)
I'm ready to go , but me an 9er decided to make up , and then team up and pick on other guys only. you know kinda like in middle school and two bullies decide to team up and work together to intimidate the other kids even more to make taking their lunch money that much easier ;)

Well I see it has worked lol...
Weekend mornings are my favorite, not for sleeping in, can't ever sleep past 5/530, but for making a bomb breakfast. Made some cheesy ass egg/egg whites, Turkey bacon and Dave's killer bread (toast). Only time I eat bread all week. Bomb.com. That is all.
Hit legs/biceps... didn't make it around to getting any ab work in lol. Chick was being a pain in the ass, kinda fucked up my workout, it was still ok. Supersets the whole time, pretty much any break I took was to get a swig of some water/aminos. Got the Christmas lights up and dinner made, time to chillax. Can't believe you guys trolled harv right on up outta here! Most guys who spend the time we do in a gym with other men talking shit should have thicker skin than that! I spent 4 years in the Army and have been in construction since so I have heard/seen it all lol.
247 lbs. Ok so this fuckin dbol has got my libido up like crazy, my blood pressure is through the roof and a bit of anxiety. I am still sick though so it may be a combination from that. I am irritable as fuck also. Almost like I was before my cycle, not quite as bad. Will wait til this cold is over to see if it is in fact the dbol winding me up. So.etimes I just don't have any kind of patience. On top of that I decided to get myself a Lil stolis today, why would you do that you say? Ahhhh cause I'm self destructive at times, it kinda fuckin puts my life in a balance. So good and responsible all the damn time I just need a moment sometimes. Please don't judge me. This is the only place/people I have to vent. Thanks
life is about balance man . gotta unwind once in awhile. I cracked open a bottle of whisky last night :) of course remember that hangovers while on cycle are worse then a normal off cycle hangover

if your BP is going up you may want to get some blood work and check that estrogen , or perhaps slightly up your AI. its a fine balance . you want it on the higher end to increase water retention, fullness and strength , but with that comes increased BP.
depends on where its at . I've gotten mine up over 200/100 , not safe to be there for long
Dude my chick bought a wrist monitor I used it yesterday morning and I was at 260/96. Did it 3 times. Had sex and did it again to test it and it was 180/80 or something. Keep in mind I was on my 2nd cup of coffee but I still was like damn that's crazy high!
I learned a long time ago how to lower my blood pressure through breathing exercises but it's the anxiety that gets me man, I am not a fun person to be around when I have bad anxiety
whats your resting heart rate at ?

may want to invest in some Citruline Malate, and some Cialis . get that BP down
life is about balance man . gotta unwind once in awhile. I cracked open a bottle of whisky last night :) of course remember that hangovers while on cycle are worse then a normal off cycle hangover

if your BP is going up you may want to get some blood work and check that estrogen , or perhaps slightly up your AI. its a fine balance . you want it on the higher end to increase water retention, fullness and strength , but with that comes increased BP.
depends on where its at . I've gotten mine up over 200/100 , not safe to be there for long

What is the the site/test for the bloodwork? Yes I could search for it but if you don't mind... privatemdlabs I think k and some kinda female test? Hell a brother out...if you have an exact link I'll order that shit today