246 lbs. Wtf. Somethings gotta change... I keep ending up back here... gain a couple lbs and always end up back around 246. Lil frustrating. I put in so much time & effort I hate to see myself move backwards. Cals are at 4300-4500 last week. Maybe my body is just doing what it needs to, maybe it's fat loss or water retention when it's up. Strength continues to go up so I shouldn't be complaining. Just thinking out loud here. Maybe I need to go on the rich piana Ben & Jerry's diet lol. Patience grasshopper. I think I don't realize just how hard I push myself in the gym everyday, and I may not be getting quite enough cals. I'm happy with my progression in the mirror and in the gym, still 6 weeks on cycle to go. Biceps/triceps later.
246 lbs. Wtf. Somethings gotta change... I keep ending up back here... gain a couple lbs and always end up back around 246. Lil frustrating. I put in so much time & effort I hate to see myself move backwards. Cals are at 4300-4500 last week. Maybe my body is just doing what it needs to, maybe it's fat loss or water retention when it's up. Strength continues to go up so I shouldn't be complaining. Just thinking out loud here. Maybe I need to go on the rich piana Ben & Jerry's diet lol. Patience grasshopper. I think I don't realize just how hard I push myself in the gym everyday, and I may not be getting quite enough cals. I'm happy with my progression in the mirror and in the gym, still 6 weeks on cycle to go. Biceps/triceps later.
I was planning on winny but I have dbol on hand also I was saving for next cycle. I think your right though the dbol may be better for last 4-5 weeks this cycle...
244.5 lbs. Wtf. 4300 cals/day, 0 cardio and I'm losing weight. Makes sense.
Bout to say fuck it and start dropping the dbol. 20mg a day a good starting point? Taken pre-workout or whut? Haven't really gotten into all that yet...