Test/Deca cycle new member

For sure bro its been a fun journey so far, its cool to share along the way with like minded fellas, I'm sure it'll be entertaining ro re-read this thread in the future lol.
My chick got tickets for method man/redman for tonight, gotta be in at 0530 tomorrow, should be fun but tomorrows gonna be rough lol
To get big like you bro!

I'm humbled.

However, I feel (especially on cycle) people should have tangible goals. I see a lot of folks running gear without any stated end goal. What are your goals?

I want to break into the 280s and deadlift 600 by end of cycle. After that I want to maintain 265@15% on TRT dose.

I'm seeing RA the Rugged Man this Saturday. Should be dirty.
Glad i took the day off from the gym today, my body is so exhausted from monday/tuesday/wednesday. Gotta listen to ur body right?! Dreaming about tomorrows workout as i write this and also i cant wait to tear up that pussy it's been 2 days and i'm losin my shit lol. Have a good night brothers
Holy fuckin hangover goddamnit! Somehow made it into work at 0530, didnt leave the concert till 2 am so I'm running on E... gonna take an extra rest day and go ballistic tomorrow. Tgif brothers!
To clarify i meant empty not enanthate but i am running that also haha. Got stuck at work for 10 hrs what a nightmare I'm soooo fuckin tired gonna get some serious rest and hit the gym bright and early tomorrow
Slept in til noon yesterday, woke up pinned and hit the gym. Had a pretty mediocre workout, thought i was gonna be fresh and strong as fuck after taking 2 days off but that definitely wasn't the case. About an hour after my workout started getting cold chills then sweating a lot, been in bed ever since. Don't know for sure if I'm just sick or if it's that test flu I've heard about cause it happened just a few hours after pin. Sick or not i will be in the gym tomorrow i hate missing so many days it makes me feel like total shit. Enjoy the superbowl bros
Was feeling about 75% today, busy day at work put in 12 hrs didnt get to the gym till 745 and hit legs legs/biceps pretty hard. Funny one of my gym bros text me around 5 when i would isually be at the gym that my ex was there. She just won't stop i swear! It makes her look bad, and if my new chick sees her in there again trying her bullshit there will be drama for sure so working late today ended up being a good thing, obviously I'm gonna keep it to myself to not cause any problems. Stupid shit, lol. Down a couple lbs on the scale today I'm sure from being sick, not stressin it. Took my last 20mg dbol preworkout today, boo hoo. Should be finished with my test e/deca this week then gonna run prop up until 4/5 days of pct. Tomorrow is shoulders/triceps. Buenos Noches amigos