Was feeling about 75% today, busy day at work put in 12 hrs didnt get to the gym till 745 and hit legs legs/biceps pretty hard. Funny one of my gym bros text me around 5 when i would isually be at the gym that my ex was there. She just won't stop i swear! It makes her look bad, and if my new chick sees her in there again trying her bullshit there will be drama for sure so working late today ended up being a good thing, obviously I'm gonna keep it to myself to not cause any problems. Stupid shit, lol. Down a couple lbs on the scale today I'm sure from being sick, not stressin it. Took my last 20mg dbol preworkout today, boo hoo. Should be finished with my test e/deca this week then gonna run prop up until 4/5 days of pct. Tomorrow is shoulders/triceps. Buenos Noches amigos