Test/Deca cycle new member

I had a free minute to try to do the bedore to current pics big fuckin difference but same shit it says max file size is 244kb. At the risk of further pissing off milton i will ask again does anybody else have this problem or a solution??? Thanks in adavance
Makes no sense why i was able to upload that one and not the others. Pics taken from the same phone, unless milton just wants to see some ass haha
So that pic is 3.73 mb. I dont get it why some will upload and others wont. I guess it will forever remain a mystery lol
I love that line from that movie tge dictator... they hate us cause they aint us lol cause when you say it its sounds like anus. Yes i have been drinking and my hormones are all stupid i feel really insecure that nobody but gainjin said anythinh about my pics lol whatever this is me o am happy with where i am at so its all good
I love that line from that movie tge dictator... they hate us cause they aint us lol cause when you say it its sounds like anus. Yes i have been drinking and my hormones are all stupid i feel really insecure that nobody but gainjin said anythinh about my pics lol whatever this is me o am happy with where i am at so its all good

Shut up pussy. You look great.

Now stop drinking and start eating more. You'll look better.
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I love that line from that movie tge dictator... they hate us cause they aint us lol cause when you say it its sounds like anus. Yes i have been drinking and my hormones are all stupid i feel really insecure that nobody but gainjin said anythinh about my pics lol whatever this is me o am happy with where i am at so its all good

Drinking? I can tell. I see the bottle of wine right next to your bag of chicken nuggets. Lol. Just FN with you. Looking good man. Keep it up.
Heavy shoulders/biceps yesterday, had a really good workout being that Sundays are always my off day. Back on the wagon, sorta, i feel so much better when i dont drink not sure why i ever do. Today is chest/triceps. Need to weigh in i have no idea where i am at but prob still around 246. Have a good day bros
Weight 248... nice. 315 on the bench felt like a breeze yesterday amd that was after 225x15, 275x8. Hit triceps and called it a day. Today was all heavy back, bent over barbell rows, deads and all the accesories, weights were feeling a bit heavier today I'm sure my body is just taxed from the last 2 workouts. Everyday cant be your best day when ur pushing heavy 6 days a week. Guy at work asked if my shirts are shrinking, lol. Fag. I told him yeah that must be it. Thats the secret, you dont need to diet or workout you just need smaller shirts haha. Peace

Did you get blood work pre/mid cycle last run? How was your estrogen management? What was dosing protocol for Adex?
It's critical you keep e levels in check with this cycle. I'd also pick up some prami or caber for prolactin issues.

I'm 6'2, 235 or so- my maintenance is 3,400/day. You'll need to up those calories while on cycle to +500 and then up them again once you've put in more mass. You're looking at roughly 4K/day off the bat.

I'd run deca for 14 weeks and then test for an additional 2 weeks for a total run of 16. Deca takes a long time to clear before pct.

You may consider upping the deca to 500ml/wk.
Well said nothing more that I can add to this
I love that line from that movie tge dictator... they hate us cause they aint us lol cause when you say it its sounds like anus. Yes i have been drinking and my hormones are all stupid i feel really insecure that nobody but gainjin said anythinh about my pics lol whatever this is me o am happy with where i am at so its all good
Alcohol is a big no no while on gear bud
Drop the bottle and grab a protein shake