Test/Deca cycle new member

Hit back yesterday, wore my belt for the first time on deads, 405 felt a lot smoother I'll tell ya, throw some straps in the equation and i think my deadlift would increase drastically. Heavy t bar rows and all the acessories. Today hit incline bench, every week i get stronger there I'm stoked about that, decline bench then leg press and extensions. Always switching up the routines, always 8 sets last being a dropset. Maintaining my weight as i struggle to eat enough as usual. Couple guys came up to me about my ex being in there the other day creepin around staring at me and my new chick. Wtf is her deal, she's a grown ass woman and its been 2 months, i would think she would have more dignity than that. She knows exactly what time I'm up in there everyday so i know it wasn't no damn coincidence lol. Anyways that shits still kinda buggin me. Tomorrow is bi's/tri's Saturday legs again so i can hit squats, never do deads and squats close that kills my back. That is all.
Can you get those pics up soon?

Will do bud, gotta shave my chesticles and get my chick to take some pics maybe this weekend or somethin, my profile pic is pretty recent. I just wanted to wait til end of cycle and mash together before and after pics I'm interested myself how much of a difference there will be as of course we are our worst critics and it's hard to notice ourselves changing ya know
Thought i would add that since starting the ep gear my ass is sore lol, for about a day and a half, not too serious but enough that i am reminded when i sit down ouch
Good bicep/tricep workout super set bis and tris 5 different lifts each, 5 sets each in the rep range of 12-30 obviously pyramid up low weight high rep to heavy weight lower reps. Ate 2 fish tacos and 1 shrimp taco... yummm. Noticing more and more googly eyed girls lookin my way lol. Libido is getting more and more intense, sex with the new girl has me almost ripping the headboard off the bed, seriously. Takes me a while to finish, but thats ok i know when shes good and use my ninja focus to make it happen. Find myself being a bit over sensitive at times, which i never am, and kinda picking apart this new girl that is completely amazing. She called me out on it tonight. I am kind of selfish at times but 99% of the time i am a very careing and loving man that will bend over backwards for a chick as long as she treats me right. We have similar pasts and have both been through some rough relationships and sometimes i can act pretty one sided. Something i need to work on. Anyways i just felt like venting a bit with yous guys. Tomrrow morning is heavy squats, plan on pushing the envelope a bit, should be fun as always love hitting new prs
Can you get those pics up soon?

Shaved my chest just for you tonight buddy lol, i will get somethin up tomorrow, kinda dont want to ask my chick to do it cause she has been hounding me about all these chicks drooling on me in front of her so i think she may get the wrong idea, pretty sure my s7 can do some kind of time delay snaps. Looking at myself in the mirror i see i have gotten much bigger especially my traps and chest, but i feel bloated. Probably cause i have been drinking lately and my diet is pretty much whatever i can eat the best way possible with 0 home cooking. Anyways i may just be being hard on myself, i will put up before and current and i guess they will show it the best.
So i was trying to put up the pics but it says the file size exceeds 244 kb which every pic an android takes is around 2 mb soooo any help here? This didnt happen last time
Its been a minute since i put any pics up in here why in the fuck do you guys make it so difficult. Is there a sticky for that shit?! Please help or I'm over it lol
Its been a minute since i put any pics up in here why in the fuck do you guys make it so difficult. Is there a sticky for that shit?! Please help or I'm over it lol

dont get your panties in an uproar bro. We arent trying to make anything difficult and this has never been an issue before. Do a refresh on your browser/close and reopen and try again.
Milton i dont like ur attitude lately... jk man yea nope it has maximum fill size 244kb that may have worked in 2001 i guess lol
Milton i dont like ur attitude lately... jk man yea nope it has maximum fill size 244kb that may have worked in 2001 i guess lol

I dont like anyone saying why the fuck do we make it so difficult when we are just here to help out. Whats your deal bro? you better check yourself brother... if your upset because i gave someone a time out you better man up and get with it and accept it as the way it is. I have been respectful to you throughout your entire stay here on the boards and I expect the same courtesy back not only to me but to DPR and Stonecold who are also admins here.
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Shit dude wasnt trying to be disrespectful my bad if i was I'm more frustrated its all good I'll give myself a 3 day vaca laters
I dont like anyone saying why the fuck do we make it so difficult when we are just here to help out. Whats your deal bro? you better check yourself brother... if your upset because i gave someone a time out you better man up and get with it and accept it as the way it is. I have been respectful to you throughout your entire stay here on the boards and I expect the same courtesy back not only to me but to DPR and Stonecold who are also admins here.

I think he was just joking around milton. That's what I got from it :)
So i uoloaded thosr to instafram then used those files to upload here. Best i could do, I'm sure i will figure it out in time lol when i post before and after pics. Its lingerie night gotta go hope we are still cool milton