Hit back yesterday, wore my belt for the first time on deads, 405 felt a lot smoother I'll tell ya, throw some straps in the equation and i think my deadlift would increase drastically. Heavy t bar rows and all the acessories. Today hit incline bench, every week i get stronger there I'm stoked about that, decline bench then leg press and extensions. Always switching up the routines, always 8 sets last being a dropset. Maintaining my weight as i struggle to eat enough as usual. Couple guys came up to me about my ex being in there the other day creepin around staring at me and my new chick. Wtf is her deal, she's a grown ass woman and its been 2 months, i would think she would have more dignity than that. She knows exactly what time I'm up in there everyday so i know it wasn't no damn coincidence lol. Anyways that shits still kinda buggin me. Tomorrow is bi's/tri's Saturday legs again so i can hit squats, never do deads and squats close that kills my back. That is all.