Test/Deca cycle new member

Still waiting to get my truck back, setting me back $3,000 not including the hundreds I've been spending on lyft. Went up to 200 prop eod since last post... i take back what i say about it being smooth, i am walking around with an extremely sore ass everyday, as soon as one glute starts feeling better its time to stick it again lol. Last pin is friday followed by hcg blast and pct. Currently still at 250 lbs, still making good strength gains, that's all bros.
Sucks about the truck amigo. Best wishes for a good PCT, I look forward to seeing how much of your gains you can keep.
Should wait 7 days before pinning the same area.

That seems to be a ford thing. I know a lot og guys with ford trucks that are in and out of the dealer. I almost bought one myself.

Pof while being in a relationship is just bad, bad, bad! I was on a lil split with my chick and signed up. One of her good friends was on there and started messaging me. She got a little out of line, i kept it clean. I screen shotted the conversation. She ended up telling my chick so I sent her the messages. Well, we're together and their not friends lol
great log, gibs. im doing deca test dbol next and got a lot of pointers , tweaked my cycle thanks to your log!!!!
keep it comin!
Should wait 7 days before pinning the same area.

That seems to be a ford thing. I know a lot og guys with ford trucks that are in and out of the dealer. I almost bought one myself.

Pof while being in a relationship is just bad, bad, bad! I was on a lil split with my chick and signed up. One of her good friends was on there and started messaging me. She got a little out of line, i kept it clean. I screen shotted the conversation. She ended up telling my chick so I sent her the messages. Well, we're together and their not friends lol

I alternate glutes but make sure i pin slightly away from the last injection site, have never done anything but glutes thus far. Get my truck back tomorrow, mechanic daid it's running like a beauty, fingers crossed, i immediately deleted that pof account and felt terrible about all that, i shouldn't be acting like that, i got a badass chick who would literally do anything for me and she's gorgous. I can be an idiot at times, still learning lol
Workout related, monday hit chest/legs, tuesday killed shoulders/biceps, today good back workout minus deads, I'll get them in on Saturday. My buddy Matt came in to my gym for the first time on tuesday and was trippin out on me reppin out the 95s shoulder press, lol, he actually recently started a test/deca cycle and i had to point him in the right direction cause he was all screwed up. Trips me out how people start these cycle with close to 0 knowledge with what they're doing. I did lose a little strength when i dropped the dbol, plus i got sick at the same time so it was a bit of a mindfuck, but i am beyond where i was at on the dbol now so I'm happy with that. You know at this point i'm just praying to keep the muscle/strength through pct!
Thanks 3j. Kept strict track of my macros all week, took in an average of 3800 calories, 315 protein, 335 carbs and 130 fats. Weight today 233. Been taking .25 Liquidex eod and .25 prami every night. Pulling 1 cc from each so 500 test/600 deca. Got in my 5 workouts this week, maybe get an extra workout in tomorrow morning, next week is a tough week I'm on call all week 24/7 ahhh the life of a plumber. Feeling good, little better than normal, more energy. Don't know if it's the increase in calories and carbs, the gear, the liquidex or a combination but my anxiety levels are waaaay down and I'm really digging that cause I've had really bad anxiety for some time now. Anyways so far so good

Workout related, monday hit chest/legs, tuesday killed shoulders/biceps, today good back workout minus deads, I'll get them in on Saturday. My buddy Matt came in to my gym for the first time on tuesday and was trippin out on me reppin out the 95s shoulder press, lol, he actually recently started a test/deca cycle and i had to point him in the right direction cause he was all screwed up. Trips me out how people start these cycle with close to 0 knowledge with what they're doing. I did lose a little strength when i dropped the dbol, plus i got sick at the same time so it was a bit of a mindfuck, but i am beyond where i was at on the dbol now so I'm happy with that. You know at this point i'm just praying to keep the muscle/strength through pct!
So what are your thoughts on the bol
So what are your thoughts on the bol

It's a good product from our sponsor, i def felt the pumps and some times they were too much lol, strength increased big time when on it and i never experienced any negative side effects minus increased heart rate. 20 mg pre workout was awesome, never went above thatvor 50 daily. For sure i will incorporate it into future cycle blake!
So what are your thoughts on the bol

Any reason you added that first quote? Or were you asking if it effected my anxiety, yes maybe a lil, increased heart rate def will effect anxiety but i have been so much better off in that department all cycle even going through all the extreme life changes and craziness.
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Lol no no idea why i did that
Ah yea nice to know I'vegot some on the way was just going to start 20mg pre workout and see how it goes from there

Lol alright, yeah next run I'm gonna go with 30 pre workout if thats too much I'll go 20 and stay with that as well, see how that differs from 50 daily.
Chest/legs tonight. Really trying harder to get my legs to grow, so hard. Worked 13 hrs off 5 hrs sleep so i was burnt out but still got in some quality heavy sets, tha ks to preworkout lol. Last pin is tomorrow, to be honest it has me kind of depressed, i have felt soooo much better on this cycle than i did before i hate to give it up, but i will, damnit. Got my truck back today... $3500 for all the repairs, holy fuck. Is what it is.
Last run everything ran smooth dex .25 eod. I ordered prami won't get it til I'm already on my 2nd week. My guy said to run the deca at 600 but I read 400 is plenty and anything over that will increase negative side effects tenfold? Already planning on upping my calories maybe throw a shake or 2 in per day I already eat all day it seems thanks for your input!
Have all supplies before starting cycle. Prami gets delayed then your cycle can be fucked
Chest/legs tonight. Really trying harder to get my legs to grow, so hard. Worked 13 hrs off 5 hrs sleep so i was burnt out but still got in some quality heavy sets, tha ks to preworkout lol. Last pin is tomorrow, to be honest it has me kind of depressed, i have felt soooo much better on this cycle than i did before i hate to give it up, but i will, damnit. Got my truck back today... $3500 for all the repairs, holy fuck. Is what it is.

We never WANT to come off cycle.
Damn dude you're replying to old shit, but it's cool, i never missed a pin or my ai or da not once, i know now to have extra of everything on hand just in case. Better to have than not. This is my second cycle, so thats pretty much irrelevant lol. Next cycle I'm blasting 7500 test, 8000 deca, cool? Haha jk bro
Started 230, ended 250, bigger, leaner, stronger, can't complain one bit. Definately know where i need to tweak some things for next go, mostly diet wise. Next cycle will be similar but kickin it off with prop/npp and gonna be religous with my diet throughout
Started 230, ended 250, bigger, leaner, stronger, can't complain one bit. Definately know where i need to tweak some things for next go, mostly diet wise. Next cycle will be similar but kickin it off with prop/npp and gonna be religous with my diet throughout
how much do you think you can retain at the end of pct? What is your PCT protocol?