Test/Deca cycle new member

Hey bud, get better fast. I'm pulling for you, and I'm missing all the girl talk

Thank bro haha yeah i got 'moderated' on all that so I'll be keepin it more chill. It was fun sharing my experience not only with my cycle but just everything going on while on cycle.
it was a great log and solid size you put on, get some rest and get better so you dont lose your gains.
good luck man

Thanks bro! Yeah i enjoyed sharing with you guys! Ended up doing 3 jobs this morning, going to see my chick for a lil bit before she goes to work i havent seen her in 3 days cause we have both been so busy i am gonna tear her apart lol. I'm happy with my size/strength gains from this cycle, i have never pushed so damn hard in the gym i wanted to take full advantage of the gear. As for next time, i will be much much more focused on staying consistent with my diet and eating more, i could have made much better gains if i had damnit
its cool, totally understandable. do u think you added any extra BF?

I really don't think so, I'm leaner and a lil more vascular now than 20 lbs ago. I workout 6 days/week. No cardio, no abs, just heavy lifting. I put on my weight pretty slow and steady. Headed to the gym now. The new chick and i have been kinda rocky, didn't see her for 3 days, went over to see her yedterday and got called back into work again. Picked her up from work at 9pm and she was pretty tired so i didn't push it, even though my ass had been up since 5 am i was ready to go. So i tried for it around 6 am this morning and she got pissed, started a huge argument, well mostly her just bitching. Really thinking about cutting this one loose now. Gonna take it out on the weights for now
Warmed up my back with lat pull downs, shoulders with dumbell front raises,flat bench 5 sets 275x10, incline bench 5 sets 225x12, flat bench champagnes 75x15, 85x15,95x15,100x12x2. Hammerstrength incline press 5 sets 3 platesx15, hammerstrength decline press 5 sets 3 platesx15 finished off with cable flys, 3 sets each at 3 different angles never go over 35 lbs really focus on the pause/squeeze with those. Whole workout went really slow on the negative, minimal rest between sets. I'm sure not quite your numbers gainjin but i had no spot today and decided to just work with higher reps at a weight that i can handle good. Most days i work with a weight i can push 5-8 on benching, that really has helped my strength go uo the most. You just wait til i get up around 265/270 I'm sure I'll have more impressive numbers. Have a good workout bud! Kill that shit!!!
Warmed up my back with lat pull downs, shoulders with dumbell front raises,flat bench 5 sets 275x10, incline bench 5 sets 225x12, flat bench champagnes 75x15, 85x15,95x15,100x12x2. Hammerstrength incline press 5 sets 3 platesx15, hammerstrength decline press 5 sets 3 platesx15 finished off with cable flys, 3 sets each at 3 different angles never go over 35 lbs really focus on the pause/squeeze with those. Whole workout went really slow on the negative, minimal rest between sets. I'm sure not quite your numbers gainjin but i had no spot today and decided to just work with higher reps at a weight that i can handle good. Most days i work with a weight i can push 5-8 on benching, that really has helped my strength go uo the most. You just wait til i get up around 265/270 I'm sure I'll have more impressive numbers. Have a good workout bud! Kill that shit!!!

Repeating your bench and incline will be tough for me. I'm hitting 6x15 @225 on flat. I'll try those sets of 275. Thanks for the motivation and great job.

Do you deadlift?

Your goal, if you choose to accept it, is to make everybody else in that gym look like a weak ass pussy haha

Man i was om fire today i have a bit of built uo agression i had to let out. I do not like this no sex thing one bit. Worst part is shes leaving tomorrow to vist her family in loiusiana for 10 days, and we aren't even talking after this morning, so yea i am a bit on edge. Yes i deadlift. Once/week. Right now my best number is 425x3. Just got some straps, gonna try them out tomorrow, i have 2 broken fingers on my left hand that never healed prioerly so my grip strength isn't the best, i think the straps will help me make some new prs
Straps will help a ton. DL are the only lift I go heavy on. Everything else is sets of 15 and every 5 weeks I drop down to sets of 6-8.

I never pulled when I was in good shape in my 20's- not sure why. I started doing deads about 16 months ago and could only pull 315 for 5. Now I'm at 405 for 12 and 545 1RM. Trying for 600 at the end of April. DLs are purely for fun and to stoke my ego:)
545 is good man! Is that with straps amd/or belt? Also i never deadlift til about 18 months ago, hurt my back pulling 365 and didn't deadlift for 2 months. I am much more strict with my form these days and anything over 315 i put on a belt
545 is good man! Is that with straps amd/or belt? Also i never deadlift til about 18 months ago, hurt my back pulling 365 and didn't deadlift for 2 months. I am much more strict with my form these days and anything over 315 i put on a belt

Just a belt.

I've got some catching up to do. Only hit 275 for 10 once then dropped down to 8 then 7 for the last set. Kept strict form, but still. Next month I'm aiming for 5x10@275 and would like to rep 315 for 5-6.

Even though my chest is weak sauce, I'm still happy: last year after rehabbing my torn pec I could barely get 225 for 5.
Oh that's right forgot about your pec. I can only hit 315 for 3, on a good day. Its like every 5 lbs after 275 weighs 50 lol
Broke it off with that chick yesterday afternoon. She is just too damaged. Was fun for a lil bit. Dated a girl like her years ago same attitude, toxic relationship, there were many red flags with this one i couldn't ignore anymore. Spent the night at my ex's, man i missed her a lot. Dunno how things will play out from here we shall see. Gonna try out the new straps today and see if i can hit a new pr for deads.