Warmed up my back with lat pull downs, shoulders with dumbell front raises,flat bench 5 sets 275x10, incline bench 5 sets 225x12, flat bench champagnes 75x15, 85x15,95x15,100x12x2. Hammerstrength incline press 5 sets 3 platesx15, hammerstrength decline press 5 sets 3 platesx15 finished off with cable flys, 3 sets each at 3 different angles never go over 35 lbs really focus on the pause/squeeze with those. Whole workout went really slow on the negative, minimal rest between sets. I'm sure not quite your numbers gainjin but i had no spot today and decided to just work with higher reps at a weight that i can handle good. Most days i work with a weight i can push 5-8 on benching, that really has helped my strength go uo the most. You just wait til i get up around 265/270 I'm sure I'll have more impressive numbers. Have a good workout bud! Kill that shit!!!