Test/Deca cycle new member

I'm no expert here, but why not get your extra calories from coconut/mct oil? It goes down easy, more protein might be a waste and extra carbs may assist fat gain, just my opinion though...
Just looked into that manstan. Looks like the average mct oil is around 130 cals per serving, so if I put 2 tablespoons in my morning shake that'll add an extra 260 in my daily calories....
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Between adding the mct oil and upping my meal portions a bit I'm holding at 235.5 the last 2 days. Getting hungrier so easier to eat more. Forcing myself to take the weekend off from the gym for my body to recover after 14 days straight, what the hell to do with myself, already fiending lol. The gym is my temple, my place of zen that centers me. Going to order hcg and add it to my cycle. So, up 5.5 lbs in 5 weeks, kind of slow but I'm good with that if it's quality weight. If I keep it up at this rate I will hit my goal weight of 245 by end cycle. If I can put a Lil extra on to cover what I may lose during pct that would be good.
Good going bro.. following your thread .. planning to go for same cycle after my current test-e only cycle, I'm into pct now.
Cool templaar, good luck in pct. So the craving has gotten the best of me, I'm heading to the gym. Last workout was Friday morning so technically it has been 2 days off. Legs/biceps, refuel and off to the air show at the beach. Weighed in this morning after my shake and a coffee 238.5... woa
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Today's workout was awesome. Ended up doing chest/biceps. Pump was off the charts. My body really needed those off days.

Did you get blood work pre/mid cycle last run? How was your estrogen management? What was dosing protocol for Adex?
It's critical you keep e levels in check with this cycle. I'd also pick up some prami or caber for prolactin issues.

I'm 6'2, 235 or so- my maintenance is 3,400/day. You'll need to up those calories while on cycle to +500 and then up them again once you've put in more mass. You're looking at roughly 4K/day off the bat.

I'd run deca for 14 weeks and then test for an additional 2 weeks for a total run of 16. Deca takes a long time to clear before pct.

You may consider upping the deca to 500ml/wk.
All good advice. I would run test a little longer to finish. 3-4 weeks would be better in my opinion. That is the only change I would suggest.
Damn, weighed in 235.0 this morning, ate like a monster yesterday even forced down a shake before bed. Never seen my weight fluctuate up and down like this. Gaining some very good strength so I'm not complaining, more intrigued than anything
I drink a lot of water but ur probably right I need to drink more. I wake up 2-3 times every night since starting this cycle, I'll usually drink some water and have a giant bowl of raisin bran and go back to bed. Been eating right about 4200-4300 cals, starting week 6. Need to get more rest days in, also I slept like shit all last week but the weekend I caught up. Hoping this week will be better
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Good ol leg day... well legs and abs. Man do I hate doing legs, such a long way down on them squats. With a proper warm up I was feeling good, worked up to 225 did 3 sets 8 last set dropset. Then finished annihilating my legs with presses, raises and seated calves. Abs for 25 and off to feed the beast.
Went in to hit shoulders today. Had to get a quick chest pump, 225x12 felt gooood. Hit heavy dumbell & barbell overhead presses along with the accessory lifts. Feeling damn good and strong. Just crushed a huge dinner and will still need a shake before bed to hit my cals for the day. Might take an off day tomorrow we'll see
So, against Mike's advice I hit biceps/abs yesterday after work and just finished up a solid back workout this morning before work. Am planning on taking the weekend off again. Weight is up to 237, very steadily increasing, along with strength, putting on some solid gainz bro. On a side note anyone see Obama on Jimmy Kimmel read that tweet someone sent asking him;"bro, do you even lift?" I was dying lol
237.5 today. Keeping cals around 4200. Today is chest day part 2, gonna hit heavy incline bench/flat dumbell press and Flys prob some cables then take the weekend off. Wore a regular white shirt to work yesterday instead of the normal monkey suit, had a lot of guys commenting on my buffness lol no homo. Monkey suit is not very flattering or revealing to the physique.
Awesome workout, my chest is exploding out of my shirt lol, threw in some ab work because, well I really don't know, never had abs but I guess I gotta put in some work with all the damn calories I'm packin away everyday. Weekend I'm resting. For real.
238 today. Day off from gym. Girlfriend talked me into going running with her, 4 miles medium paced jog. First cardio I've done in about a month, took me a minute to warm up to it. Can't complain though it was a nice run on the beach.