Test/Deca cycle new member

239 lbs. I've got a problem... waiting in front the gym for it to open, lol. Biceps/triceps. Get some. Got a real good pump in today, sweat my ass off, more than normal. Time to feed the beast.
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239 lbs. Monday legs Tuesday chest today maybe split shoulders/biceps. Calories are the same, milton the mct oil added to the morning/evening shakes does help in hitting my numbers. Strength is the same, no notible increase besides my 225 squat reps are up and feeling lighter. I never go heavier than that due to a lil kink in my back im trying to rid. Mid-upper-left, had it for a few months, happened deadlifting 405, kills me everytime i squat or deadlift so i dont go too heavy and focus on form with those. Truck took a shit after the gym last night, damnit. Barely made it coasting into an auto shop just as they were closing the door, think it's the fuel pump. Always something.
Stoked on the EP prize, thinking of what to get towards my next cycle or even possibly something for end of current. I cycle goal will be the same, put on lean muscle mass and increase strength. Hmmm....
Stoked on the EP prize, thinking of what to get towards my next cycle or even possibly something for end of current. I cycle goal will be the same, put on lean muscle mass and increase strength. Hmmm....

EP pricing on Dbol is pretty darn good .. you could finish off your test/deca cycle with a 4 week run of dbol , push those size and strength gains to the max . I'll be doing that with my current test/deca/mast cycle.
i've kicked off plenty of cycles with dbol, but will be trying it at the tail end this time.

if you handled deca just fine, you could try a run of tren ace for your next . test/tren/mast <-- good results from this combo guaranteed :D
That ks for the suggestions, any other not involving tren? Not mentally sure I could handle that without ripping someone's head off lol. And I though masteron required very low body fat % to be worth taking? I was thinking something along the lines of eq, sust
That ks for the suggestions, any other not involving tren? Not mentally sure I could handle that without ripping someone's head off lol. And I though masteron required very low body fat % to be worth taking? I was thinking something along the lines of eq, sust

its an internet forum 'myth' that you have to be low bf% for masteron to be effective . fact is , ANY 'AAS' compound is more visually effective at lower bf% (cause fat covers muscle definition and detail, and the point of steroids is to build the muscle). so mast is no different then any other compound in that regard.

People see masteron as a 'hardener' (mainly cause its a non-aromatizing dht base ,, so no estrogen = no water, and thus a dry hardener) . and of course if your lower bf% then your going to see more definition ,, but masteron still works by the same mechanism for anyone, no matter what their Bf% is . and the best part of masterons 'mechanism' is its synergistic properties , , it enhances other AAS compounds, it 'frees up' receptors and testosterone is more effective (thats the simplest way to think of it, lot more to it then that) .

i run masteron with every cycle. shit if i could afford it (its pricey) I'd run it year round with my TRT. its simply a compound that makes every other compound work better. with masteron in the mix 1+1+1 = 5 (synergistically amplifies your stack).

heck maybe an EQ (800 mg) / Masteron (600mg) stack , with a low dose of test as a base of course . very low aromatization with that stack and you'll stay dry and make 'lean' gains (diet dependent of course).

personally ,, I would not bother with sustanon . Test is test. run what you've been running like test E. sustanon is a crappy blend that needs to be injected more often with no added benefit for doing so .. if you want fast acting then just go with test P , or front load some test P along with your test E (but i wouldn't bother with sust).

the other option is to do a cycle of short esters .. EQ , just like the deca you've been running ,, requires a really long run to be effective (14-16 weeks) .. being you just got done with a long run , why not try a shorter run with all short esters . Like NPP, test Prop, and Mast Prop. for 8 weeks.
just some ideas man
Cool man thanks for all the info/suggestions I'll definitely take it into account. That's the beauty of this forumns right there, good shit. Oh and I'm in week 7 of my planned 16 week cycle so it won't be for awhile but I want to use that credit and have it for when the time comes
Thinking 16 week test e/deca/mast with a 4 week test prop/dbol kickstart

Thats a great mass stack right there . also , you can kick start your deca by front loading it with NPP for the first 5-6 weeks . the nandrolone juices will get started much quicker that way (waiting 8 weeks for deca to kick in sucks for inpatient folk like myself).

what dosages are you considering?
Test p 450 4wk
Npp 450 6 wk
Dbol 50 4wk
Test e 500 16wk
Deca 500 14wk
Masteron 400 16wk
HCG throughout cycle
Dex .5 eod, Prami .25 ed
Nolvadex + Caber pct
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Slade start a thread, there's guys on here with much more knowledge than me that can help you out. Good luck with your cycle, start a log here it kind of keeps you on track and is good for others to see how things go throughout your cycle so they can kind of get an idea as to what to expect.
239.5 lbs. Yesterday hit shoulders/traps/abs real good. Shoulders are getting strong as fuck, good shit. Just as I finished up I got the call from the mechanic my truck was fixed, $360, not too bad. Either taking today off or hit biceps/triceps. Should be back day but I try to split my days i squat and the days I deadlift as far apart as I can so my back is good to go.
240.5 lbs. Must've done some cardio in my sleep haha. Just finished up a badass chest workout. On everything I do a couple warm up sets and gradually increase to my working sets weight, then go beyond and back to the working set weight last set dropset. Incline bench, flat dB press, champagnes, cable Flys (3 sets each of 3 different angles). So good. Time to feed the beast!
242.5 lbs. Beginning week 8. Rest and feed day today. Strength continues to increase at a steady pace, nothing miraculous, very happy with that. Putting in the work in & out the gym, feel like I am making quality gains through this cycle and only 1/2 way in. Consistency and patience, learning and implementing new ideas/practices with diet and lifting. When I hit 245 lbs I will begin to include a bit more cardio a few times a week as much as I hate it. Breakfast and beach for me today enjoy brothers!
241.5 lbs not sure how taking yesterday off and eating like a monster has me 1 lb down but it's 1lb, not tripping on it. Went in early for legs. My 225 squat has been going up 1 rep per week for the last 4 weeks so currently doing 235 x 6 reps x 5 sets. Not happy with those numbers but that's why I'm working on it. It's a long way down for my 6'4" ass to grass lol. On a positive note today was the first time I made it through my squats with 0 back pain in I don't even know how long. Very happy with that. Maybe it's the deca, maybe it's my legs strengthening or maybe I should just hit legs in the mornings from now on. Have a good day brothers
241.5 lbs not sure how taking yesterday off and eating like a monster has me 1 lb down but it's 1lb, not tripping on it. Went in early for legs. My 225 squat has been going up 1 rep per week for the last 4 weeks so currently doing 235 x 6 reps x 5 sets. Not happy with those numbers but that's why I'm working on it. It's a long way down for my 6'4" ass to grass lol. On a positive note today was the first time I made it through my squats with 0 back pain in I don't even know how long. Very happy with that. Maybe it's the deca, maybe it's my legs strengthening or maybe I should just hit legs in the mornings from now on. Have a good day brothers

Nice log mate keep up the good work
Thanks bro, I do it cause I'm psyched on my cycle, like to share it. I lurked around this forumn for awhile reading people's logs before I ever planned my 2nd cycle and signed up here.