Test/Deca cycle new member

Thanks bro, I do it cause I'm psyched on my cycle, like to share it. I lurked around this forumn for awhile reading people's logs before I ever planned my 2nd cycle and signed up here.

At least you did some homework man more than I can say for Alot of guys that get on here ah it's good to do a log if nothing else keeps you in check a bit posting up workouts and such plus I love getting on here and talking to other guys doing the same shit as me being able to talk about using aas and other peds and learning new stuff is always good
242 lbs. Hit shoulders/traps yesterday. Shoulder strength is very good hitting the seated barbell overhead press 185 x 5 now and that's full rom not that bullshit where the guys bring it down to their head. I really don't get all the 1/4 & 1/2 reppin people up in the gym. What a waste of time and they just look stupid. K rant over. Up at 515 grilling chicken & steak cause I don't fuck around lol.
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I'm always thinking that guy infinite elgentensity on YouTube where he says zerrrooo critiquing the other YouTube lifting videos lol
240.5 lbs. Shit. Wtf. Anyways hit chest/triceps yesterday, bench is staying strong wasn't expecting to do better after an intense shoulder session the day before. 275 x 4,3,2 225 x12,12,12 dropset 135x20. Incline dumbell press & triceps. Was in a bit of a time crunch. Going to begin adding more calories, not sure how just yet it seems I'm eating as soon as I'm not full anymore all day. 4200 cals. Try to get up to 4500 and see how that works. Maybe I just need to force myself to take more time off. Yeah right lol. Biceps/abs later have a good day.
240.5 lbs. Shit. Wtf. Anyways hit chest/triceps yesterday, bench is staying strong wasn't expecting to do better after an intense shoulder session the day before. 275 x 4,3,2 225 x12,12,12 dropset 135x20. Incline dumbell press & triceps. Was in a bit of a time crunch. Going to begin adding more calories, not sure how just yet it seems I'm eating as soon as I'm not full anymore all day. 4200 cals. Try to get up to 4500 and see how that works. Maybe I just need to force myself to take more time off. Yeah right lol. Biceps/abs later have a good day.

Don't get to hung up on what the scales say you can be losing fat gaining muscle at the same time and staying the same weight all sorts of shit if I don't drink enough water one day I'll be lighter the next day if I drink a ton of water and go extra heavy on the carbs I can be a few pounds heavier with all the extra glycogen and water getting stored away all sorts of factors come into play
I stopped weighing my self every day a long time ago I go buy what the mirror is telling me
I agree that the mirror is more important than the scale, also if my strength stays or increases as the scale goes down I'm ok with that. Think I get too caught up on that damn thing sometimes cause I see a lot of people put a lot of weight on during their cycle. On the other hand their weight is a lot of fat and water and gone like the wind after cycle, and I truly feel that I am putting quality gains on that are hard earned and will deservedly stay with me. Easy to obsess and over think things when u put so much time and effort into what we do.
I agree that the mirror is more important than the scale, also if my strength stays or increases as the scale goes down I'm ok with that. Think I get too caught up on that damn thing sometimes cause I see a lot of people put a lot of weight on during their cycle. On the other hand their weight is a lot of fat and water and gone like the wind after cycle, and I truly feel that I am putting quality gains on that are hard earned and will deservedly stay with me. Easy to obsess and over think things when u put so much time and effort into what we do.

Yes true that man
Like you said if your feeling stronger looking better than your winning in my book
I used to stress over the numbers like you said man when your spending so much time and putting all this effort in your want to be seeing some results for all the hard work
I just said fuck it I usually jump on the scales on a Friday or every second Friday just to see what's going on other than that I just try to eat as much as I can lift heavy and hard and hope my hard work pays off
243.5 lbs. Woa. Got an insane bicep pump yesterday, took advantage of that and pushed beyond where I would normally stop then spent a whopping 20 mins on abs lol. I would say tgif but I gotta be in at 5 am tomorrow... yay
Just ordered a copy of 'The Swoly Bible'. Should be good
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Back workout went good. Have had a pretty bad back pain for awhile now that is finally going away. So stoked on that. Made it through leg day and back day with no problems. It's funny I notice the regulars watching me now, I assume they are noticing I'm getting bigger/stronger. I think we all kinda watch each other and subconsciously keeps track of each other's body/amount of weight lifted. I feel good, I expect to surpass my goal by the end of 16 weeks. Tomorrow will be chest/legs split, cause I like mixing shit up, Sunday off.
Going to have to force myself to eat this last meal and stay up an hour to make a shake. Damnit. The struggle is real lol
242 lbs. Fuckin whatever. Passed out didn't get my shake in last night. Plan was to hit the gym after work but my body was telling me no. Wife's outta town til tomorrow night, nice to just have complete silence, not have to feel obligated to pay attention or entertain someone. I like having some space. Friend at work was like, " you should get some strange while she's gone!" I'm not that guy, even though there's a Latin girl at my gym that is always batting her eyes a smiling at me that I would fuckin llllove to tear up I will just catch up on some porn lol. I've been cheated on in the past, shit ain't cool, got me an expensive divorce and a battery charge for fucking up some middle eastern guy at a bar. To put that in context I was fresh out the army served during 9-11 and the guy said fuck Americans. Lost. My. Shit. Anyways I'll hit it tomorrow morning. Haven't had a drink in almost a year, got me some stolis, gonna just have a few to relax and reset, don't want to ever drink around my family anymore it's a rule I set for myself cause I can turn into a real ass hole so right now feels like a good time to test the waters. Thanks for reading my short novel
Planning my routine for tomorrow in my brain cause I'm crazy, roush is competing with me for wife hotness, I think we are tied, gonna smoke some herbs and take the dog for a walk. Total relax day. Push posted up some pizza pics and now I want a stuffed crust pizza Hut Pizza. If I do that my carbs will be somewhere around 9000 but hey yolo
Edit: just ordered a large stuffed crust pizza double chicken/mushroom/pineapple shits about to go down.
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243 lbs. Woke up hungover as shit. Ahhhh didn't miss that! I pretty much slept 12 hrs without waking up. I'm sure my body was loving that! That's it prob won't have another drink for a very long time, honestly didn't even enjoy it that much, it was more of a kind of situation where I just needed to do it if that makes sense. Gonna take today off as well, spend some quality time with my kiddo and get back at it tomorrow
243 lbs. Woke up hungover as shit. Ahhhh didn't miss that! I pretty much slept 12 hrs without waking up. I'm sure my body was loving that! That's it prob won't have another drink for a very long time, honestly didn't even enjoy it that much, it was more of a kind of situation where I just needed to do it if that makes sense. Gonna take today off as well, spend some quality time with my kiddo and get back at it tomorrow

drink lots of water.
For sure bro. First time I drank in a loooong time and 1st time smoking bud since starting my cycle. Think I just needed to get out my head and be stupid for a min lol
244 lbs. Week 9. Up 14 lbs. After a loooong weekend off my body is feeling very rested. Back at it hard today! Chest/legs split. Want to see what my fully recovered chest can put up today.
243.5 lbs. Hit chest/legs Monday as planned split between 2 sessions. Went very well. Shoulders/biceps yesterday. Today is back/triceps. I'm all over the place I know, I like to switch things up regularly. Sore as fuck today, but a good sore, you know what I mean.
243.5 lbs. Hit chest/legs Monday as planned split between 2 sessions. Went very well. Shoulders/biceps yesterday. Today is back/triceps. I'm all over the place I know, I like to switch things up regularly. Sore as fuck today, but a good sore, you know what I mean.

thats good. mixing up training and training diff muscle groups together at different times keeps things fresh. Not getting stuck in a routine where you always train for example biceps on back day , triceps on chest day . mix it up and hit triceps on shoulder day instead. You'll end up with higher frequency that way over time.
For sure, I also alternate certain lifts each week for example one week I'll do bent over barbell rows the next I'll do t bar rows in its place. I do chest twice a week so 1st day for my heavy lifts I'll hit flat bench followed by inclined dumbell press. 2nd chest day is incline bench press followed by flat dumbell press. That way upper/lower chest both get a chance to give it all they got each week